QryLogTDWMV - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Query

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
ProcID DECIMAL(5,0) NOT NULL -(5)9 (Prime Key) ID of the Processing Engine from which the query was executed.
CollectTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) (Prime Key) Time and date when the DBQLog cache was allocated.
QueryID DECIMAL(18,0) NOT NULL --Z(17)9 (Foreign Key) Systemwide unique value to join DBQL tables.
UserID BYTE(4) NOT NULL X(8) Identifier for the user that issued the query.
UserName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the name of the user who issued the query.
DefaultDatabase VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Default Database name for the user that issued the query.
AcctString VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Unexpanded Account String under which the user issued the query.
SessionID INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 SessionID of the query.
LogicalHostID SMALLINT NOT NULL -(5)9 Logical Host ID from which query was executed.
RequestNum INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Host Request number for this query within the session.
InternalRequestNum INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Internal Request number when Stored Procedures are used within the session.
StartTime TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Time and date when the query was submitted to the system.
TDWMAdmissionTime TIMESTAMP(6) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) The time when a request is admitted into the system by workload management (i.e., after ARM processing).
FirstStepTime TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Returns the time the first step for this query is dispatched.
FirstRespTime TIMESTAMP(6) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Time first response was sent to the host.
LastStateChange TIMESTAMP(6) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Time of the last state change that occurred.
DeferTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 The number of seconds a query was deferred by workload management due to ARM rules.
DeferRuleID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 TDWM Rule ID of one of the ARM rules which caused this request to be deferred.
DelayTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Number of seconds the query was delayed by TDWM.
TDWMRuleID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 RuleId of the TDWM rule causing an object delay.
SessionWDID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Workload Definition under which the query was parsed.
WDID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Workload Definition assigned to the query by TDWM.
FinalWDID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Workload Definition under which the query completed execution.
OpEnvID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Operational Environment Id in which the query was executed.
SysConID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 System Condition Id in which the query was executed.
LSN INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Logon Sequence Number used by the load utility.
NoClassification CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) T if the query was not classified by TDWM.
WDOverride CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) T if the Workload Definition was overridden by the user.
ResponseTimeMet CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) T if the query met the service level goal of the workload definition.
ExceptionValue INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Type of TDWM exception: e.g. 01-time, 02-CPU, 03-AMP CPU skew, etc.
TDWMEstMaxRows FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Maximum estimated row count used to classify a query into a WD
TDWMEstLastRows FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Last estimated row count made by the optimizer for WD classification.
TDWMEstTotalTime FLOAT ZZZZ9.999999 Total time in seconds estimated by the optimizer used to classify a query into a WD
TDWMEstMemUsage FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Estimated memory in MBs used to classify a query into a WD
TDWMAllAmpFlag CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) T if all amp query. Used to classify the query to a WD
TDWMConfLevelUsed CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Confidence level used to determine what statistics to use to classify the query into a WD.
StatementGroup VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Description of statement(s) issued by the multi-statement or single request.
MinRespHoldTime FLOAT Z,ZZ9.9 Seconds response was held to meet the minimum response time.
TotalFirstRespTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 DelayTime + Execution Time + MinRespHoldTime (in seconds)
MaxNumMapAMPs INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of AMPs in the largest contiguous map used by the request.
MinNumMapAMPs INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The number of AMPs in the smallest contiguous map used by this request.
SysDefNumMapAMPs INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Number of AMPs in the system-default map.
ProfileName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns Profile name of the user who submitted the query.
WDName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns Workload name assigned to the query.
FinalWDName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the workload definition in which the query completed execution.
SessionWDName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) The TDWM workload name used for parsing activity.
OpEnvName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) The TDWM operating environment name associated with the OpEnvId.
SysConName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) The TDWM System Health Condition name associated with the SysConId.