PartitioningConstraintsV[X] - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Integrity

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
DatabaseName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) PartitioningConstraintsVX.DatabaseName is the name of the database in which the table or join index with the partitioning resides.
TableName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) PartitioningConstraintsVX.TableName is the name of the table or join index with the partitioning.
IndexName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) PartitioningConstraintsVX.IndexName is the name of the associated index, if any. This field is NULL if there is no associated index or the index does not have a name.
IndexNumber SMALLINT ---,--9 PartitioningConstraintsVX.IndexNumber is the internal number assigned to the associated index, if any. This field is 1 for a primary index. This field is 0 if the partitioning is not associated with an index.
ConstraintType CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(1) PartitioningConstraintsVX.ConstraintType is Q (partitioning constraint).
ConstraintText VARCHAR(16000) UNICODE CASESPECIFIC X(16000) PartitioningConstraintsVX.ConstraintText is the unresolved condition text of the partitioning constraint (implied constraint determined from the partitioning levels).
ConstraintCollation CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE NOT NULL X(1) PartitioningConstraintsVX.ConstraintCollation is the collation to be used in evaluating the constraint: E (EBCDIC), A (ASCII), M (MULTINATIONAL), C (CHARSET_COLL), J (JIS_COLL), or U (use the session collation).
CollationName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) PartitioningConstraintsVX.CollationName is the CHARSET_COLL collation name if ConstraintCollation is C; it is NULL if ConstraintCollation is U; otherwise, it is the collation name (EBCDIC, ASCII, MULTINATIONAL, or JIS_COLL).
CreatorName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) PartitioningConstraintsVX.CreatorName is the name of the user that created the constraint.
CreateTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(0) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS PartitioningConstraintsVX.CreateTimeStamp is the date and time the constraint was created.
CharSetID BYTEINT -(3)9 PartitioningConstraintsVX.CharSetID is a number identifying the character set of the CHARSET_COLL collation, if this collation is used; otherwise, NULL. If the character set is user-defined, this ID should also exist in DBC.CharTranslations.CharSetID.
SessionMode CHAR(1) LATIN UPPERCASE X(1) PartitioningConstraintsVX.SessionMode is the name of the session mode used to determine the default case sensitivity in evaluating the index constraint: A (ANSI), T (Teradata). For constraints not involving comparison of character data, it is NULL.
ResolvedCurrent_Date DATE YY/MM/DD PartitioningConstraintsVX.ResolvedCurrent_Date is the last reconciled date if the object is a table or join index that is defined using DATE or CURRENT_DATE; otherwise, NULL.
ResolvedCurrent_TimeStamp TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6)Z PartitioningConstraintsVX.ResolvedCurrent_Timestamp is the last reconciled timestamp if the object is a table or join index that is defined using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; otherwise, NULL.
DefinedCombinedPartitions BIGINT NOT NULL -(19)9 PartitioningConstraintsVX.DefinedCombinedPartitions indicates the number of currently defined combined partitions. This value can change as long as it does not exceed MaxCombinedPartitions.
MaxCombinedPartitions BIGINT NOT NULL -(19)9 PartitioningConstraintsVX.MaxCombinedPartitions indicates the maximum number of combined partitions allowed. This value is greater than or equal to DefinedCombinedPartitions. This value cannot change for a nonempty table.
PartitioningLevels SMALLINT NOT NULL -(5)9 PartitioningConstraintsVX.PartitioningLevels indicates the number of partitioning levels (a value between 1 and 62, inclusive).
ColumnPartitioningLevel SMALLINT NOT NULL -(5)9 PartitioningConstraintsVX.ColumnPartitioningLevel indicates the level number for the column partitioning level (a value between 1 and 62, inclusive) or no column partitioning (a value of 0).