QryLogAmpDataV - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Query

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
LogTime TIMESTAMP(6) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Time when this row data was captured by this row specific AMP.
QueryID DECIMAL(18,0) --Z(17)9 (Foreign Key) System wide unique value to join DBQL tables.
AmpNum INTEGER -(10)9 Number of the AMP vproc that collected this data row.
StepClass CHAR(10) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(10) Step Class in text form.
StepKind CHAR(15) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(15) Step Kind in text form.
StepLvl1 INTEGER -(10)9 Step number Level 1.
StepLvl2 INTEGER -(10)9 Step number Level 2, if this column has non-zero value, then this is a parallel step.
CumCPU FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Cumulative CPU time for the specific session in seconds.
CumIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Cumulative IO count for the specific session.
CPUTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 CPU time in seconds for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
IOCount FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 IO count for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
IOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 IO in KB for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
PhysIOCount FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Physical IO count for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
PhysIOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Physical IO in KB for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
VHIOCount FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Very Hot IO count for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
VHIOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Very Hot IO in KB for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
VHPhysIOCount FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Very Hot Physical IO count for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
VHPhysIOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Very Hot Physical IO in KB for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
PSFwdid INTEGER -(10)9 PSF wdid for this step in this AMP vproc.
TDWMwdid INTEGER -(10)9 TDWM wdid for this step in this AMP vproc.
CPUDecayLevel BYTEINT -(3)9 CPU Decay Level for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
IODecayLevel BYTEINT -(3)9 IO Decay Level for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
CPUException BYTEINT -(3)9 CPU Exception for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
IOException BYTEINT -(3)9 IO Exception for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
UsedIOTA FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Used IO Token Allocation for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
CollectAlg SMALLINT ---,--9 DBQL data collection algorithm used for this collection.
UDFCpuTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 UDF CPU Usage for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
UDFMemUsage FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 UDF Memory Usage for this step execution in this AMP vproc.
UDFVMPeak FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 UDF Virtual Memory Peak usage for this step in this AMP vproc.
UDFVMData FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 UDF Virtual Memory Data usage for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosRecordsReturned BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 NOS Records Returned for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosRecordsSkipped BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 NOS Records skipped for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosPhysReadIO BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 NOS Physical read IO count for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosPhysReadIOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 NOS Physical read IO in KB for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosRecordsReturnedKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 NOS Records Returned in KB for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosTotalIOWaitTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 NOS Total IO Wait time for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosMaxIOWaitTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 NOS Maximum IO Wait time for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosCPUTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 NOS CPU time for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosFiles INTEGER --,---,---,--9 NOS Files count for this step in this AMP vproc.
NosFilesSkipped INTEGER --,---,---,--9 NOS files skipped count for this step in this AMP vproc.