Configure MPPLIST - Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT) Reference

Parallel Upgrade Tool (PUT)
Release Number
February 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The Configure MPPLIST step creates and distributes the mpplist file to all nodes selected in the Select Nodes step. No input is required if you are running Configure Teradata Vantage in Typical configuration mode. All nodes are defined as TPA nodes by default.

The MPP list file is located in the /var/opt/teradata/support/config_changes_logs directory.

Select TPA Nodes

If you are running the Configure Teradata Vantage operation in Custom configuration mode and this is the first time the system is being configured, the Select TPA Nodes screen appears.

For MPP systems, TPA/non-TPA nodes are also defined. All nodes default to TPA nodes and appear in the TPA column. At least one node must be a TPA node.

To change a TPA node to a non-TPA node or a non-TPA node to a TPA node, select and move the nodes to the appropriate columns.
  • At least one node must be a TPA node.
  • For an SMP system, there is only one node and it must be defined as a TPA node. Therefore, the Select TPA Nodes screen does not appear.

Previously Configured System

If the system has already been configured at least once, the Define MPPList screen displays these options:
Option Description
Define mpplist Displays the Select TPA Nodes screen and defines TPA and non-TPA nodes.
Define AMP-less TPA Nodes Opens the Define AMP-less TPA Node screen where TPA nodes can be defined as AMP-less TPA Nodes (only opens if Enable AMP-less TPA Node Support was selected on the Set Defaults screen).
Delete node Opens the Delete Node screen where you can remove one or more nodes from the configuration.
Done Completes the configuration and distributes an updated mpplist file to all nodes.

Defining AMP-less TPA Nodes

For MPP systems, once you have defined which nodes are TPA or non-TPA, you can define one or more nodes to be AMP-less TPA nodes. Any node defined as an AMP-less TPA does not have any AMPs or storage assigned to it. In all other respects, however, it appears as a normal TPA node. Note that each AMP-less TPA node is defined as its own single-node clique.

Select and move desired nodes to the AMP-less TPA Node column.

Deleting Nodes from the Configuration

Prior to deleting a node, first delete any vprocs associated with the node with the Teradata config and reconfig utilities. Alternately, use the Configure Teradata Vantage operation to reassign the vprocs to another node before deleting this node.

Select and move desired nodes to the delete list.

Selecting a node to be deleted causes all references to that node to be removed from the current configuration. In addition, all vprocs, pdisks, lans, and host channel references associated with the node are removed. Each AMP vproc associated with the node is checked; if the AMP is still active, an error appears and the node is not deleted.

If the node(s) to be deleted passes all validation checks, a confirmation screen opens and lists the node(s) and any associated vprocs to be deleted.

Adding Nodes to the Configuration

If nodes are being added to the configuration, the Additional Nodes Detected screen opens and lists all nodes not in the previous configuration in the Add column. Select and move all nodes to be added to the configuration to the Add column.

Configure MPPLIST Operational Messages

Message Description
Node is not part of the current Teradata configuration Indicates a node is selected to be deleted that is not currently defined to Teradata. By definition, the delete function only operates on TPA nodes that are present in the existing vconfig.gdo and mpplist files.
Gap in selected vproc ids Indicates an attempt is being made to delete a node whose AMP vprocs are not consecutive. When deleting AMP vprocs, the range of vproc-ids must always be consecutive. In order to delete this node, either reassign its AMPs to another node or delete the node that includes the missing AMP vprocs.
Vproc cannot be deleted because it is still active Indicates that the AMP vproc listed cannot be deleted because it is still considered active by Teradata. Either delete the AMP using the Teradata config and reconfig utilities, or re-assign the AMP to another node in the clique.
The selected vprocs to be deleted do not include the highest-numbered AMP Indicates that the selected node to delete does not include the AMP with the highest-numbered vproc-id. By definition, Teradata only allows the "last" or "highest" AMP to be deleted. To delete this node, reassign its AMP vprocs to another node in the clique.