Toggling SSL or TCP After Installation - Data Stream Architecture - Data Stream Utility

Data Stream Utility Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Data Stream Architecture
Data Stream Utility
Release Number
November 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
If you set up SSL or TCP after your DSA environment is already up and running, you can use the BAR Setup portlet to toggle SSL or TCP without uninstalling and reinstalling.
  1. Restart the dsmain process on DSC server for the repository database cnsterm 6:
    1. Stop bardsmain: cnsterm 6

      start bardsmain -s

    2. Start bardsmain: cnsterm 6

      start bardsmain

  2. In the BAR Setup portlet, select General under Categories.
  3. In the General System Details tab, select the Broker IP/Host, Broker Port, and DSC Server Name you want to affect.
  4. Use the Broker Connectivity menu to select between TCP and SSL.
  5. To enable DSMAIN or the Teradata Database system, go to the BAR Setup portlet and click Systems and Nodes under Categories.
  6. To configure SSL, under SSL Communication:
    1. Check the Enable SSL over JMS Communication box.
    2. Enter the keystore password in the Truststore password box.
    3. Click Apply, then follow on-screen instructions.
    Whenever SSL settings are toggled in Viewpoint, a tpareset on the system is required for the changes to take effect.
  7. To configure TCP, under SSL Communication:
    1. Clear the Enable SSL over JMS Communication box.
    2. Remove the keystore password from the Truststore password box.
    3. Click Apply, then follow on-screen instructions.