CLI0544 The communication channel to the Teradata Database is unusable - Teradata Tools and Utilities

Mainframe Call-Level Interface (CLI Prefix) Messages

Teradata Tools and Utilities
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata® Tools and Utilities

CLI0544 The communication channel to the Teradata Database is unusable


The communication channel between TDP and the Teradata Database that was being used for this request has become unusable. It is unknown whether or not the request was executed.


This error is detected by TDP. Since the state of the request is uncertain and the Teradata Database provides no capability to re-establish this state, the session will be logged off by TDP. While the session may no longer be used, completion of the current request and the TDP logoff may not yet have occurred and no Database capability is provided to ascertain when that request and subsequent logoff completes. This situation differs from a restart of the Teradata Database since the current request is terminated by the Database, so its status and so the session itself are in a known state, allowing its continued use. Messages issued by TDP indicate the reason that the communication channel has been judged unusable.


Re-establish the session and retry the request (after ascertaining whether or not the original request completed, if appropriate). The reason that the communication channel was judged unusable will be detailed in messages produced by the associated TDP.