AbortCollect Stored Procedure | Application Programming Reference | Vantage - AbortCollect - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Application Programming Reference

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
June 2020
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

Aborts one or more pending or in-progress collection statements within a running instance of RunCollect.


  (IN CmdListID             BIGINT,
   IN CmdListName           VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET UNICODE,
   IN DatabaseName          VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET UNICODE,
   IN TableName             VARCHAR(128) CHARACTER SET UNICODE,
   IN RequestID             BIGINT,
   IN AbortInProgress       CHAR(1) CHARACTER SET LATIN,
   OUT NumPendingAborted    INTEGER,
   OUT NumInProgressAborted INTEGER)

Input Parameters

Parameter Description
CmdListID Commands list ID executed by an in-progress RunCollect.

For more information about this input parameter, see “Usage Notes.”

CmdListName Commands list name executed by an in-progress RunCollect.

For more information about this input parameter, see “Usage Notes.”

DatabaseName Name of the database. DatabaseName identifies the database whose collections within the commands list you specify should be aborted.
TableName Name of the table. TableName identifies the table whose collections within the commands list you specify should be aborted.
RequestID Individual collection ID. RequestId identifies the individual collection ID within the commands list you specify that should be aborted.
AbortInProgress Possible values:
  • Y. If you specify Y, AbortCollect aborts the qualifying collections even if they are already in progress.
  • N. If you specify N, AbortCollect allows in-progress collections to finish. This is the default value.

Identifying a Command List

You can specify both CmdListID and CmdListName as long as they identify the same commands list.
To identify ... You must ...
the commands list being executed specify a value that is not null for either CmdListID or CmdListName.
a commands list by CmdListName assign it during a prior call to PrepCollect.

Aborting Collection Statements

You must specify a DatabaseName, TableName or RequestID input parameter or all collections in the specified command list will be aborted. Those collection statements that do not qualify based on the input parameters you specified are unaffected and will be executed by RunCollect. For more information, see RunCollect.

To abort ... You must specify a value for ...
all collection statements for a particular database DatabaseName.
all collection statements for a particular table both DatabaseName and TableName.
a single collection RequestID.
When specifying a RequestID, it is not necessary to specify DatabaseName or TableName since it is unique across all databases.

Output Parameters

Parameter Description
NumPendingAborted Number of pending collection statements that were aborted.
NumInProgressAborted Number of in-progress collection statements that were aborted.

Example: Using AbortCollect

The following example shows how to abort all collections within commands list 1 that operate on the Personnel database.

CALL TDSTATS.AbortCollect (1,'MyCmdsList', 'PERSONNEL', NULL, NULL, 'Y', NumPendingAborted,NumInProgressAborted);
*** Total elapsed time was 1 second.
   NumPendingAborted   NumInProgressAborted    
  ------------------   --------------------
                   2                      1