Miscellaneous and General Default Preference Settings - Teradata SQL Assistant

Teradata® SQL Assistant for Windows User Guide

Teradata SQL Assistant
Release Number
October 2018
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Default values marked with * indicate the defaults are locale-dependent.
Preference Default Description
ShowTdNetWarning True Display a warning message if correct version of the .NET Data Provider for Teradata is not installed. It changes to False after the message appears.
ODBCConnectTimeout 60 The time, in seconds, that ODBC waits for a response to a Connect request.
WindowState Normal Display Teradata SQL Assistant in a normal window (not minimized or maximized).
WindowSize 900,700 The size of the Teradata SQL Assistant window on your desktop.
WindowLocation 50,50 The size of the Teradata SQL Assistant window on your desktop.
TabbedMDI False Use Tiled/Cascaded child windows rather than Tabbed MDI.
TabGroupVertical False Use Horizontal tab groups when more than one tab group.
TileWindows False Tile the windows rather than cascading them.
TileVertical False Tile the windows Horizontally when tiling the child windows.
ShowHistory True Show the History window at startup.
ShowDBTree True Display the Database Explorer Tree after connecting to a data source.
Provider ODBC Use the ODBC provider rather than the Teradata .NET provider.
LastDSN   The Data Source most recently connected to.
LastTdDSN   The Data Source most recently connected to through Teradata.NET.
LastOraDSN   The Data Source most recently connected to through Oracle.NET.
Language Teradata The SQL language used before connecting to a data source.
ANSISQL False Do not use the ANSI SQL language for syntax highlighting.
OptionsTab 0 The first tab on the Options dialog is the active tab.
QBuilderSize 850,500 The size of the Query Builder dialog.
QBuilderSet 0 The first SQL Set appears when Query Builder is opened.
FavoriteSet * Favorites The name of the SQL Set to select in the Add To Favorites dialog.
QueryFontName * Sans Serif This font is used in the Query window.
QueryFontSize *8 This font sized is used in the Query window.
AnswerFontName * Sans Serif This font is used in the Answer window.
AnswerFontSize * 8 This font size is used in the Answer window.
HistoryFontName * Sans Serif This font is used in the History window.
HistoryFontSize * 8 This font size is used in the History window.
SaveTextType 1 Save query files as *.sql.
SaveGridType 1 Save answer/history files as *.txt (ANSI text).
SaveChartType 1 Save chart files as *.jpg (JPEG format).
ExportFileType 1 Export data files as *.txt (ANSI text).
AnsFindList   A list of strings to appear in the Most Recently Used list of the Find dialog.
HistFindList   A list of strings to appear in the Most Recently Used list of the Find dialog.
AnsFindAllCols False The Current Column Only option is not selected when the Find dialog is first opened for an Answerset grid.
HistFindAllCols False The Current Column Only option is not selected when the Find dialog is first opened for an History window.
RecentQueryFiles   A list of file names to be displayed for the Open Recent Query menu.
AllowMultiConnect False Allow only one Query window (Only one Data Source).
SingleQuery False Allow multiple Query tabs in a Query window.
UseCatalog False Use the ODBC 'schema' field (not 'catalog') for ‘unknown’ vendor databases.
AnswerMode 1 Display multiple result sets from a single query in tabs within an Answer window, but use separate windows for the results of each query.
AppStyle Office 2003 Use Office 2003 color scheme and display style.
PrintSQL False Do not print the related SQL when printing an Answerset.
ScreenReader False Do not add special support for Screen Readers for the visually impaired.
BaseFontSize 8 Dialog boxes, Status bars, and the Database Tree use this font size.