Usage Notes - TARA/ABU

Teradata Archive/Recovery Utility Reference

Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Specifying CHECKPOINT with the SAVE keyword prepares a journal table for archiving. Teradata ARC writes a checkpoint row to the active journal table. This subtable is then appended to any existing saved table of the named journal. Archive this saved portion by using ARCHIVE JOURNAL TABLES.

The Teradata Database returns an event number that Teradata ARC assigns to the checkpoint entry.

Checkpoint functionality with regards to permanent journals is supported on both Mainframe systems (z/OS) and network-attached systems.

WITH SAVE Keywords

Only the saved subtable can be archived.

If a saved subtable for any identified journals exists, Teradata ARC appends the active subtable to it. Teradata ARC writes the checkpoint record to the active subtable and then moves the active subtable to the saved subtable.

Without this option, Teradata ARC leaves the active subtable as is after writing a checkpoint record.

USE LOCK Keywords

USE LOCK specifies the lock level Teradata ARC applies to data tables that contribute rows to the journal tables on which Teradata ARC is setting checkpoints.

With USE LOCK, request the specified lock level on the data tables for a journal in the object list. When Teradata ARC obtains the requested lock, it writes the checkpoint and then releases the lock. Teradata ARC then requests locks for data tables for the next journal table in the object list. Teradata ARC places journal tables in the object list in alphabetical order by database name.

If an ACCESS LOCK is specified, making updates to data tables while generating the checkpoint is supported. If a checkpoint is taken with an ACCESS LOCK, any transaction that has written images to the journal and has not been committed is logically considered to have started after the checkpoint was taken.

When specifying an ACCESS LOCK, also specify the WITH SAVE option.

READ LOCK is the default, resulting in Teradata ARC suspending all updates to the tables until it writes the checkpoint record. Use READ LOCK to identify the transactions included in the archive.

NAMED Keyword

If the chkptname duplicates an existing entry in a journal, qualify the entry by the system assigned event number.

Alpha characters in a checkpoint name are not case sensitive. For example, chkptname ABC is equal to chkptname abc.

An alternative to using chkptname is referencing the entry by its event number.