Statement Icons - Visual Explain

Teradata Visual Explain User Guide

Visual Explain
Release Number
May 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Statement Icons 
Icon Statement Description
Abort Terminate the current transaction.
Alter Trigger Allow users to enable or disable a trigger, and to change its creation timestamp.
Call Procedure Execute a stored procedure.
Create/Replace Macro Insert or replace a macro in the database.
Create/Replace Procedure Insert or replace a procedure in the database.
Create/Replace Trigger Create new triggers or change the definition of a trigger.
Alter Table Alter a specified table.
Create Index Create an index to table.
Create Table Alter a specified table.
Delete Delete rows from a table.
Drop Index Drops an index on a specified table.
Drop Table Drops a specified table.
End Transaction Indicate that the processing is complete and any locks on the data can be removed.
Execute Macro Execute a specified macro.
Insert Add rows to a table.
Merge into Merge row or rows into a table.
End MLoad Signifies the end of a Multiload task and initiates task processing.
Begin MLoad Signifies the beginning of a Multiload import task.
MLoad Job Invokes a Multiload job.
Set Check Workload Set check workload during Mload.
Checkpoint Loading Threshold limits that can be assigned for a specific load for Fastload, Multiload, or TPT.
Begin Loading Initiates the loading process.
Query Band Sets a query band.
Roll Back Terminate the current transaction, and reset the database to the pre-transaction state.
Select Retrieve specified fields from a table.
Update Modify data in one or more rows of a table.