About SQL History Form - Teradata Studio

Teradata Studio IDE Plug-in User Guide

Teradata Studio
Release Number
March 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

The SQL History view provides information about SQL/DDL executions on one or more databases in your system. As you execute SQL/DDL statements from the SQL Editor or run functions from the Data Source Explorer, an entry is added to the SQL History list.

The SQL History toolbar contains actions and menus that help you manage the data in the history data grid.
Numbered Rows
The first column contains numbers assigned to each rows in the data grid. The numbers start with 1 and increment for each data entry. The numbers do not indicate a special ordering or structure to the history data. Use them as an easy way to refer to rows in the grid. To select an entire row, click the number for the row. You can then right-click and select an action to perform on that row. For example, you might select several rows and then right-click to select Find to search for specific data in those rows.
Column Header Row
The top row of the history grid contains the column headers for the categories of data collected during each SQL/DDL execution.
SQL History Data Grid
The SQL History view uses a data grid format of rows and columns to display information for each SQL/DDL execution. The grid displays each history entry in a single data row. Column headers in the top row distinguish the types of data collected during each execution.