For Aster Relational Connection - Aster Client

Teradata Aster® Client Guide

Aster Client
Release Number
May 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
  1. Generate a truststore for the Aster Database certificate by copying the file /home/beehive/certs/server.cert from the queen node to your local client machine.
  2. To import the certificate, execute a command like this at the command prompt on the client, substituting the correct paths and the alias of your choice:
    keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias "asterca" -file
    C:\keystore\server.cert -keystore C:\truststore\truststore.jks

    The keytool application can be found in the folder that contains your Java application (for example, C:\Informatica\9.6.1\clients\java\bin) or the Java folder of your machine (for example, C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin).

  3. Provide the information, including the password, which will be embedded into the truststore.jks file that you will generate. For this example, we assume the password is PassWord123.
  4. Copy the truststore.jks file to your Informatica server. For example, we will assume that the Informatica server will store the truststore file as /opt/Informatica/truststore.jks.
  5. Make the following settings in the Informatica PowerCenter Workflow Manager:
    • Click the connection in the top menu bar and select Relational to configure the Aster relational connection.
    • Select Loader to configure the ncluster_loader.
    • Click New to set the new connection or Edit to configure the existing ones as listed below.
    Scenario 2: Informatica Connector Client-Side Settings Relational Connection
    Attribute Value
    Aster nCluster Host Name your Queen IP address
    Aster nCluster Port Number usually 2406
    Aster nCluster Database Name your database name
    Timeout default 30
    Enable SSL check box
    SSL Encrypt Reads do not check box
    SSL Self Signed Peer do not check box
    SSL Private Key Path  
    SSL Certificate Path  
    SSL Trusted CA Dir  
    SSL Trusted Store File /opt/Informatica/trustore.jks
    SSL Trusted File Password PassWord123
    SSL Certificate File Type default 1
    It is better to keep the content in SSL Trusted Store File non-empty even if you want to turn SSL off.