Snapshot Tab - Teradata Viewpoint

Teradata Viewpoint User Guide

Teradata Viewpoint
Release Number
October 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
The Snapshot tab displays detailed query data for any point in time. Metrics that exceed defined thresholds are highlighted.
Query Information Description
State Query state, such as active, blocked, terminate
Time in State How long the query has been in the current state, displayed as hh :mm :ss
Spool Space Amount of spool space the query is using
Temp Space Amount of temp space the query is using
CPU Total CPU seconds needed to run the query, in seconds
CPU Use Percent of available CPU seconds on the system used during the last sampling period
Impact CPU CPU impact on the system based on the highest utilized AMP. For Teradata Database 15.0 and earlier, calculated at the snapshot level; for Teradata Database 15.10 and later, calculated at the request level.
I/O Total number of disk I/Os performed
CPU Skew CPU skew during the last sample
I/O Skew I/O skew during the last sample
PJI Ratio of the CPU milliseconds per I/O for the query, where a larger Product Join Index number indicates system performance degradation
Unnecessary I/O All AMP I/O divided by all AMP CPU, displayed in milliseconds, to reveal large amounts of I/O occurring over a short period of time
Remote Data Imported Total bytes imported from a remote server for this query for Teradata Database 15.0 and later
Data Exported Remotely Total bytes exported to a remote server for this query for Teradata Database 15.0 and later
Workload Information Description
Name Name of the workload where the query is actively running
Method Name of the workload management method in SLES 11. Available values are:
  • Tactical
  • SLG Tier (not used by IWM systems)
  • Timeshare
CPU Decay Most severe level of CPU resource access restriction for queries in a Timeshare workload in SLES 11
CPU Exception Nodes Number of nodes that exceeded the tactical CPU time exception criteria for the session in a Tactical workload in SLES 11
Classification Mode How a query or session is assigned to a workload. Available values are:
  • Auto - Query is assigned automatically by TASM
  • Request - Query is assigned manually to a workload using Change Workload
  • Session - Queries initiated in that session are assigned manually to a workload using Change Workload

This field is empty if this is not a DBC/SQL session or if Teradata Workload Management Category 3 is disabled.

Virtual Partition Name of the virtual partition in SLES 11
I/O Decay Most severe level of I/O resource access restriction for queries in a Timeshare workload in SLES 11
I/O Exception Nodes Number of nodes that exceeded the tactical I/O usage exception criteria for the session in a Tactical workload in SLES 11
Time Marker Description Type
Time Location Temporal location of the time marker within the Explain step Number
Step Location Explain step in which the time marker is located Number