Hadoop Components Overview Tab for Jobtracker - Teradata Viewpoint

Teradata Viewpoint User Guide

Teradata Viewpoint
Release Number
October 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem

The Overview tab for Teradata Hadoop jobtracker displays detailed information about MapReduce jobs, slots, and tasks. The Overview tab is accessed by clicking the JOBTRACKER row under Components Info.


Jobs Description
Current Running Number of MapReduce jobs currently executing in the system
Waiting Number of MapReduce jobs queued to run
Cumulative (Last Hour) Submitted Number of MapReduce jobs submitted in the last hour
Completed Number of MapReduce jobs that completed successfully in the last hour

Slots (Current)

Slots Description
Map Slots Occupied Number of map slots occupied in the MapReduce cluster
Map Slots Reserved Number of map slots reserved in the MapReduce cluster
Reduce Slots Occupied Number of reduce slots occupied in the MapReduce cluster
Reduce Slots Reserved Number of reduce slots reserved in the MapReduce cluster

Tasks (Cumulative - Last Hour)

Tasks Description
Map Tasks Launched Number of map tasks submitted to run in the MapReduce cluster in the last hour
Map Tasks Completed Number of map tasks that completed successfully in the MapReduce cluster in the last hour
Map Tasks Failed Number of map tasks that did not complete successfully in the MapReduce cluster in the last hour
Reduce Tasks Launched Number of reduce tasks submitted to run in the MapReduce cluster in the last hour
Reduce Tasks Completed Number of reduce tasks that completed successfully in the MapReduce cluster in the last hour
Reduce Tasks Failed Number of reduce tasks did not complete successfully in the MapReduce cluster in the last hour