Workload Metrics - Teradata Viewpoint

Teradata Viewpoint User Guide

Teradata Viewpoint
Release Number
October 2016
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Metric Description Operating System
Aborted Queries Number of aborted queries in the last 60 seconds SLES 10 and 11
Active Queries Number of active queries in the last 60 seconds SLES 10 and 11
Arrivals Number of queries arriving in the last 60 seconds. Historical data is not displayed for this metric. SLES 10 and 11
Average CPU-Sec Per Query Average CPU seconds per completed queries SLES 10 and 11
Average Physical KB I/O Per Query Average physical I/O usage, in kilobytes, of all queries in this workload SLES 11
Average Response and Delay Time Average response time and delay time for all active queries SLES 10 and 11
Cumulative CPU Cumulative CPU seconds per amp SLES 10 and 11
Decayed Active Queries Total number of queries that have decayed due to CPU or I/O (Timeshare workloads only) SLES 11
Delayed Queries Number of queries in the delay queue SLES 10 and 11
Exceptions Number of queries classified as exceptions in the last 60 seconds SLES 10 and 11
Maximum CPU-Sec Per Query Maximum CPU seconds used by completed queries is a default metric for the Tactical EP SLES 10 and 11
Maximum Physical KB I/O Per Query Maximum physical I/O usage, in kilobytes, for all queries in this workload SLES 11
Maximum Response Time Maximum response time for all active requests SLES 10 and 11
Queries Throttled Number of queries throttled in the workload in the last 60 seconds SLES 10 and 11
Rejected Queries Number of rejected queries in the last 60 seconds SLES 10 and 11
Tactical Queries With Exceptions Total number of queries reclassified to another workload as a result of a tactical exception based on CPU per node and I/O per node values.

This metric is available only on the Metrics-Tactical tab in the Settings view.

Throughput Number of completed queries in the last 60 seconds. This metric does not display historical data. SLES 10 and 11