Installing Teradata Database on VMware for DSU Manually - Data Stream Architecture - Data Stream Utility

Data Stream Utility Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Data Stream Architecture
Data Stream Utility
Release Number
August 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
If you do not want to use the deployment script and PowerCLI to install Teradata Database on VMware for DSU, these steps describe what the script does.

Unless noted, words in brackets < > (for example, <Template>) refer to properties found in the file (see Sample Properties File (JSON).

  1. Clone the DSU VM based on the <Template> property, store it in the <Datastore> provided on host <ESXiHost>, and name it <vmName>.
  2. Assign 4 CPUs and 16 GB memory to the VM.
  3. Attach the public network adapter to the VM based on the <public_vswitch> property, and set the MTU to 1500.
  4. [Optional] Attach the CMIC network adapters to the VM based on the <cmic_vswitch1> and <cmic_vswitch2> properties, and set the MTU to 1500. DSU can use the public network to connect to the existing CMIC server. This step is only required if you plan to connect to the CMIC server using the two private CMIC networks that the nodes use.

    Use <cmic_primary_ip>, <cmic_secondary_ip>, and <cmic_submask>.

    If you skip this step, set the CMIC values in the script to "unset" in step 10.

    The cmic_configuration.txt file mentioned in Adding the DSU vNode into the Current CMIC Configuration is generated by the PowerCLI scripts. You need to create this file manually.

  5. [Optional] Attach the private DSU network adapter to the VM based on the <dsu_vswitch> property. Set the MTU to 9000. DSU can use the public network as the backup/restore datapath. This step only is required if you plan to use a private network for the DSU backup/restore datapath. When the private DSU network is used, you add the private network adapter to the DSU VM, and the script adds it to when you use a configuration_bitmask parameter of 4.
  6. Power on the DSU VM.
  7. [Optional] Copy the database COP entries into hosts_dsu.txt. This step is highly recommended. List the COP aliases in hosts_dsu.txt as shown in the following examples:
    If the DSU VM only needs to connect to the bnrprod database:
    $ cat hosts_dsu.txt
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrprodcop1
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrprodcop2
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrprodcop3
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrprodcop4
    If the DSU VM only needs to connect to the bnrtest database:
    $ cat hosts_dsu.txt
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrtestcop1
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrtestcop2
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrtestcop3
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrtestcop4
    If the DSU VM needs to connect to both the bnrprod and bnrtest databases:
    $ cat hosts_dsu.txt
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrprodcop1
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrprodcop2
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrprodcop3
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrprodcop4
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrtestcop1
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrtestcop2
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrtestcop3
    xx.xx.xx.xx   bnrtestcop4
  8. Copy the following files to /root/tvme under the DSU VM.
    • hosts_dsu.txt
    If step 7 was skipped, create an empty hosts_dsu.txt and copy it into the DSU VM.
  9. Set the root password. The default is iumb123.
  10. Run
    # dos2unix /root/tvme/
    # sh /root/tvme/ <configuration_bitmask> <public_ip> <public_submask> <cmic_primary_ip> <cmic_submask> <cmic_secondary_ip> <vmName> <domain> <dns1> <dns2> hosts_dsu.txt <public_gateway> <dsu_ip> <dsu_submask>
    Parameters other than configuration _bitmask are found in the file.
    If you are only using the public network, set the following parameters to "unset" (no quotes).
    • cmic_primary_ip
    • cmic_submask
    • cmic_secondary_ip
    • dns2
    • dsu_ip
    • dsu_submask

    Select the configuration_bitmask value from the following table.

    configuration_bitmask Description
    0 Only the public network is configured
    1 Public network and one private CMIC network are configured
    3 Public network and two private CMIC networks are configured
    4 Public network and DSU private network are configured
    5 Public network, DSU private network, one CMIC private network are configured
    7 Public network, DSU private network, two CMIC private networks are configured
  11. Reboot the DSU VM.
  12. Run
    # dos2unix /root/tvme/
    # sh /root/tvme/ dsu parent <ntp1> <ntp2>

    If one server is sufficient, set ntp2 to "unset."

  13. Set the OS time zone:
    # dos2unix /root/tvme/
    # sh /root/tvme/ <OSTimeZone>

    where OSTimeZone is one of the strings in LinuxTimeZoneStrings.txt.

  14. Run
    # dos2unix /root/tvme/
    # sh /root/tvme/ 1 <DSU_IP> <viewpoint_ip>
    where DSU_IP corresponds to either of the following:
    • public_ip: if step 5 was skipped
    • dsu_ip: if you are using a private dsu network

Continue with the remaining configuration topics in this chapter.