Statistical Data Grid - Teradata Warehouse Miner

Teradata Warehouse Miner User Guide - Volume 1Introduction and Profiling

Teradata Warehouse Miner
Release Number
July 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
A data-grid control is used to select the data to display. Much like a Microsoft Excel pivot-table, the Data Grid has the following properties:
  • Select — The data to be graphed can be selected by either clicking in the left upper most square of the Data Grid to select the entire data set, or holding the left mouse button down, dragging over the desired rows and releasing the mouse button. The rows highlighted will be graphed automatically.
  • Sort — To sort the data in the Data Grid, click the right mouse button on any column header. The sort is always done from left to right with respect to the columns of data. Subsequent right mouse clicks toggle the sort from ascending to descending.
  • Pivot — Pivoting of data is accomplished by holding the left mouse button down on the column header that you wish to pivot, dragging the column to its new desired position and releasing the mouse button. The pivoted column will appear to the left of the column that it was dragged on top of.
For the Histogram analysis, the column headers can take on the following values:
  • Table — Table that the variable for the statistics operation resides in, as specified by the “table” parameter.
  • Column — Variable that the statistics operation will be run against, as specified by the “column” parameter.
  • Count — The total number of occurrences of this variable.
  • Min — The minimum value of the variable. Created only if the Minimum Value option is selected.
  • Max — The maximum value of the variable. Created only if the Maximum Value option is selected.
  • Mean — The arithmetic mean of the variable. Created only if the Mean Value option is selected.
  • Std — The standard deviation of the variable. Created only if the Standard Deviation option is selected.