Launching an Aster Analytics Instance Using AWS CloudFormation - Aster Analytics on AWS

Teradata Aster Analytics on AWS Getting Started Guide

Aster Analytics on AWS
Release Number
October 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
The IAM user must have permissions for AWS CloudFormation, IAM roles, IAM profiles, and instance profiles.

This procedure describes how to configure and launch a Teradata Aster Analytics on AWS instance.

For information on how to delete an AWS CloudFormation stack, see the AWS CloudFormation Documentation.

  1. From the AWS Marketplace, locate and select the Teradata Aster Analytics (3-33 Nodes) product listing page. The Teradata Aster Analytics (3-33 Nodes) window opens.
  2. Under For Region, choose the region where you want the instance to be launched, and click Continue.

    The Launch on EC2 window opens.
  3. Confirm that the region you selected is correct under the Region and For Region headings. If your region selection is not correct, under Region, choose the correct region where you want the instance to be launched. Under Software Pricing choose the Subscription Term. If you select an Annual Subscription, you also need to click Buy Annual Subscription. Click Launch with CloudFormation Console.

    Important: If you are redirected to the Thank you for subscribing to Teradata Aster Analytics (3-33 Nodes) page, click Return to Product Page in order to launch your instance using CloudFormation. Do not launch your instance directly from the EC2 Console or without CloudFormation as doing so can result in an unusable instance and additional charges.

    The Create Stack page appears.
  4. Under Select Template, accept the default values and click Next.

  5. Under Specify Details, type a stack name.
    The stack name must be unique to your region or the launch will fail.

  6. Under Parameters, specify values for the Teradata Aster Analytics on AWS instance. The parameters noted in red below must be specified using values described in the below table. Accept the default value for Instance and Stroage Type and NTP Servers.

    Parameter Name Action
    Password for superuser Enter an Aster database password for the user db_superuser.
    Password for beehive Enter an Aster database password for the user beehive.
    Number of Nodes Enter the number of nodes (1 to 64) you want to launch for this stack. The total number of nodes (n) = 1 queen node + (n-1) worker nodes.
    Instance and Storage Type Choose one of these instance types: m4.4xlarge, m4.10xlarge, or r4.8xlarge.

    The storage size is per node.

    NTP Servers Use the default setting.
    System Timezone Select the timezone associated with where the cluster will be deployed.
    Aster data volume size Choose one of these values: 1024 (1TB), 4096 (4TB), or 8192 (8TB).
    This EBS volume is dedicated for your data in the Teradata Aster Analytics on AWS system.
    VPC Search for or select an existing Virtual Private Cloud in which the system will be launched. Your Cloud Administrator can provide the VPC settings for a cloud deployment.
    You must use an existing virtual Private cloud.
    Availability Zone Search or select an existing Availability Zone in which to launch the stack.
    You must use an existing availability zone.
    Security Group Enter an existing Security Group that is associated with the selected VPC setting.

    Your Cloud Administrator can provide the Security Group setting for a cloud deployment or you can choose the correct Security Group by going to the AWS Web Console.

    Under EC2 Dashboard, select NETWORK & SECURITY. Under NETWORK & SECURITY, select Security Groups. In the main pane, select a Group ID that is associated with the selected VPC setting.

    You must use an existing Security Group.
    Subnet Enter an existing Subnet that is associated with the selected VPC and Availability Zone settings.

    Your Cloud Administrator can provide the Subnet setting for a cloud deployment or you can choose the correct Subnet by going to the AWS Web Console.

    Under VPC Dashboard, selectSubnets. In the main pane, select a Name that is associated with the selected VPC and Availability Zone settings.

    You must use an existing Subnet.
    AWS Key Pair Enter or select the key pair to ssh into for the instances.
    Select an AWS key pair to which you already have access because AWS key key pairs can only be downloaded once when they are created.
  7. Click Next. The Options page appears.
  8. Under Tags, specify a unique key-value pair for resources in your stack, allowing you to search at a later time for the resources you launched.

  9. Advanced, set additional options for your stack, such as notifications and a stack policy.[Optional] Under You can click [OptionalLearn more to get more information.
  10. Click Next. The Review page appears.
  11. Review the information carefully to ensure it is correct, and select the standard AWS I acknowledge that AWS CloudFormation might create IAM resources check box at the bottom. You can click Learn more to get more information.

  12. Click Create to create the stack. This process can take anywhere between 30 minutes up to several hours depending on your configuration.
    Trying to ssh into the instance may cause the creation of the stack to fail. Do not try to ssh into the instance until either CREATE_COMPLETE displays in the Status column or you receive a failure notification.
  13. After the stack is successfully created, these messages are displayed that enable you to track the installation process:
    • While Teradata Aster Analytics on AWS software installation is still in progress, if you log on to the cluster, this message is displayed just after the SSH login:

      Aster Analytics on AWS initialization in progress...

    • After installation of Teradata Aster Analytics on AWS software completes and proceeds to the cluster assembly stage, if you are logged into the queen node, this message is displayed on your terminal:

      Aster queen node started, adding worker nodes to the cluster...

    • After cluster assembly completes and installation of Teradata Aster® Analytics functions starts, if you are logged into the queen node, this message is displayed on your terminal:

      Aster cluster assembly finished, installing Aster Analytic functions...

    • When all Teradata Aster® Analytics functions are installed, and cleanup has completed, this message is displayed on your terminal:

      Aster Analytic on AWS installation finished!

      At this point, if you log in to the cluster again, the login prompt will now show:

      Teradata Aster Analytics Platform 6.20 (AWS)

    It may take about 10 minutes for the installation to finish. Wait until you see the Aster Analytics successfully installed message before you log on to the AMC.

    If you try to log on before the success message is displayed, the credentials supplied through the CloudFormation Template may not work.

  14. [Optional] To monitor the stack creation progress, do the following:
    1. From the AWS CloudFormation console, ensure CREATE_IN_PROGRESS displays in the Status column.
    2. After the stack is created, ensure CREATE_COMPLETE displays in the Status column.
    3. From the AWS EC2 Console, click Instances in the left column and ensure your instances are listed under the Name column. The name appears as the stack name followed by the node name.
  15. To ssh into the system with the public IP/DNS of any of the nodes, enter this command: ssh -i private-key-file ec2-user@instance-DNS-name or IP-address
  16. [Optional] To confirm that the Aster Analytics on AWS environment is operating correctly, perform these steps:
    1. Switch to the root user from your ec2-user login. sudo su -
    2. Load Aster environment variables. source /home/beehive/config/
    3. Verify all nodes are in the active state, and the number of nodes matches what you specified in the CloudFormation template. ncli node show
      If the output from the ncli node show command does not match what you specified in the CloudFormation template, contact the Teradata Global Technical Support Center (GSC).