Configure the Source and Target Systems | Teradata Data Mover - Configuring the Source and Target Systems - Teradata Data Mover

Teradata® Data Mover Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Teradata Data Mover
Release Number
September 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Use the dsa_configsys tool to configure source and target Teradata systems when using Data Mover with DSA. When the -h and -u options are provided in the configuration, dsa_configsys restarts DSMAIN on the source and target systems. If the -h and -u options are not provided, DSMAIN must be manually restarted using cnsterm before using DSA.
The following must be considered when configuring the source and target systems:
  • The DSC host must resolve to an IP that can be reached by every TPA node on the source and target systems.
  • Each TPA node must resolve COP entries for all nodes on the same system.
  • The user specified with the -u option must be either "root" or a user with sudo access to run the Teradata cnsterm utility.
  • You must specify TDPID with the -t option.
build_dsainputs and dsa_configsys scripts are located under the /opt/teradata/datamover/support directory.
  1. From the DSC host, run hostname -i to verify that the resolved IP can be reached from the TPA nodes.
  2. Run build_dsainputs on one of the following servers, depending on which DSA configuration you are using:
    DSA Configuration Server
    Bundled DSA Data Mover server
    External DSA External DSC server

    Copy the build_dsainputs script to the external DSC server and run from there. The script can be copied to and run from any directory.

  3. Configure the source and target systems and restart DSMAIN using dsa_configsys.
    The following is an example of using dsa_configsys to configure TDPID sdt05126 and restart DSMAIN:
    # ./dsa_configsys -t sdt05126 -p dbc -h sdt05126 -u root
    sdt05126 successfully configured.
    Preparing to stop/start DSMain.
    There may be a delay of 30 seconds or more after each operation.
    If prompted .. please enter the password for user root on sdt05126:
        |                                |              |
        |    ___     __     ____         |    ____    __|__    ____
        |   /      |/  \    ____|    ____|    ____|     |      ____|
        |   ---    |       /    |   /    |   /    |     |     /    |
        |   \___   |       \____|   \____|   \____|     |__   \____|
        Release Version
        DSA DSMain Utility
        This program is used to start or stop DSMain    
        **  DSMain is not running  **
        |                                |              |
        |    ___     __     ____         |    ____    __|__    ____
        |   /      |/  \    ____|    ____|    ____|     |      ____|
        |   ---    |       /    |   /    |   /    |     |     /    |
        |   \___   |       \____|   \____|   \____|     |__   \____|
        Release Version
        DSA DSMain Utility
        This program is used to start or stop DSMain    
        DSMain started.    
    Restart of DSMain Complete.
    Verifying that sdt05126 has registered with ActiveMQ .. please wait.
    sdt05126 has been successfully configured and has registered with ActiveMQ.
    To check if a system has been configured with DSA, use the --verify option with the -t and -p options.
    The following example shows the dsa_configsys usage information that is displayed when no parameters are provided:
    Usage: dsa_configsys -t <TDPID> [-U <db_user>] -p <db_user password> [--verify] [ -h <host>  -u <linux userid> [-i <identity_file>] ] | -?
       This script will configure a TD system for DSA (similar to the 'dsc 
       config_systems' command). After the TD system is configured DSMain must be 
        re-started on the system. This script will restart DSMain if the -h 
        option is specified.
       Run this script locally on the DSC server for which the TD systems are 
       being configured.
       -t The TDPID of the system to configure. The TDPID must exactly match the 
          definition from the Data Mover <source_tdpid> and <target_tdpid> job XML. 
          For example: if the <source_tdpid> in the job XML is 
 then it must be specified as
          for this option.
       -U (Optional) Use this option to specify a user other than 'dbc'. This user 
          must have adequate permission for DB 'sysbar' to replace a macro (TD 
          version < 16.00) or insert a row in table sysbar.dsaconnectionstbl 
          (TD version >= 16.00).
       -p Password for user 'dbc' on the system specified above with the -t 
          option. Optionally, the -U option can be added to specify a different 
          user. Password must be enclosed by single quotes.
       --verify (Optional) Use this option along with -t and -p to check whether a 
                system has been configured in DSA. If the system is configured 
                then no additional configuration is needed with dsa_configsys.
       -h (Optional) If the user specifies the -h option followed by the TD system 
          host (SMP) or one of the TD system hosts (MPP) then dsa_configsys will 
          ssh into that host to restart DSMain (stop/start).
       -u Required when using the -h option, specify a user that has sudo 
          permissions to run TD cnsterm commands on the host (e.g. root, ec2-user, 
       -i (Optional) Specify an identity file that includes the private key.
             ./dsa_configsys -t devsys -p dbc -h devsys -u root
             Configure SMP system 'devsys' and restart DSMain.
             ./dsa_configsys -t -p dbc -h prodsys1 -i 
             my_identityfile -u ec2-user
             Configure MPP system 'prodsys' and restart DSMain. Note that 
             'prodsys1' resolves to the first node of the MPP system.
             ./dsa_configsys -t prodsys -p dbc --verify
             Check if 'prodsys' has been configured in DSA.
       -? Displays usage help.