MonitorMySessions Function | Application Programming Reference | Vantage - MonitorMySessions - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Application Programming Reference

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

Collects the session information for the current user on the current host.


    HostId SMALLINT,
    SessionNo INTEGER,
    RunVprocNo SMALLINT,
    UserId INTEGER,
    UserName VARCHAR(128),
    UserAccount VARCHAR(128),
    XActCount FLOAT,
    ReqCount FLOAT,
    ReqCacheHits FLOAT,
    ReqSpool FLOAT,
    Blk1HostId SMALLINT,
    Blk1SessNo INTEGER,
    Blk1UserId INTEGER,
    Blk2HostId SMALLINT,
    Blk2SessNo INTEGER,
    Blk2UserId INTEGER,
    Blk3HostId SMALLINT,
    Blk3SessNo INTEGER,
    Blk3UserId INTEGER,
    HotAmp1CPU FLOAT,
    HotAmp2CPU FLOAT,
    HotAmp3CPU FLOAT,
    HotAmp1CPUId FLOAT,
    HotAmp2CPUId FLOAT,
    HotAmp3CPUId FLOAT,
    HotAmp1IO FLOAT,
    HotAmp2IO FLOAT,
    HotAmp3IO FLOAT,
    HotAmp1IOId INTEGER,
    HotAmp2IOId INTEGER,
    HotAmp3IOId INTEGER,
    LowAmp1CPU FLOAT,
    LowAmp2CPU FLOAT,
    LowAmp3CPU FLOAT,
    LowAmp1IO FLOAT,
    LowAmp2IO FLOAT,
    LowAmp3IO FLOAT,
    LowAmp1IOId INTEGER,
    LowAmp2IOId INTEGER,
    LowAmp3IOId INTEGER,
    AvgAmpCPUSec FLOAT,
    AvgAmpIOCnt FLOAT,
    AmpCount SMALLINT,
    TempSpaceUsg FLOAT,
    ReqIO FLOAT,
    ReqNo INTEGER,
    WlcId INTEGER,
    DontReclassifyFlag SMALLINT,
    CPUDecayLevel SMALLINT,
    IODecayLevel SMALLINT,
    TacticalCPUException INTEGER,
    TacticalIOException INTEGER,
    ReqPhysIO FLOAT,
    ReqPhysIOKB FLOAT,
    ReqStepsCompletedCnt INTEGER,
    RedriveProtection CHAR (2),
    CurrentRedriveParticipation CHAR (1),
    ReqRedriveSpoolSpace FLOAT,
    BlockerSessionCnt SMALLINT,
    ReqTblOpBytesIn FLOAT,
    ReqTblOpBytesOut FLOAT,
    ProxyUserId INTEGER,
    ZoneId INTEGER,
    ReqHotAmpCPU FLOAT,
    ReqHotAmpIO FLOAT,
    ReqInvolvedAMPCnt SMALLINT,
    ReqLocalQueryStatus SMALLINT,
    ReqRemoteHostId SMALLINT,
    ReqRemoteSessionId INTEGER,
    ReqRemoteRequestId INTEGER,
    ReqRemoteQueryId FLOAT
    ReqHotAmpSpool FLOAT,           
    ReqHotAmpSpoolId SMALLINT, 
    ReqMapNo SMALLINT, 
    ReqMaxNumMapAMPs INTEGER, 
    ReqMinNumMapAMPs INTEGER, 
    ReqSysDefNumMapAMPs INTEGER,
    ReqFlexReleased SMALLINT,

Syntax Elements

Logical Host ID associated with a PE or session.
For a PE, HostId identifies one of the hosts or LANs associated with the described PE.
For a session, the combination of a host ID and a session number uniquely identifies a user session on the system.
This value is NULL for AMPs. A value of zero represents the Supervisor window.
Number of the current session. Together with a given host ID, a session number uniquely identifies a session on the database system. This value is assigned by the host (or client) at logon time.
Vproc number of the PE the session is currently logged on to; it identifies the PE that has control responsibility for the session. Normally, this is the PE that processed the logon request; but if that PE goes offline, it will be the PE to which the session was switched.
Vproc number of the AMP or PE currently assigned to process the session requests.
For sessions in Teradata SQL partitions, this value is identical to the LogonPENo. For sessions in FastLoad or MultiLoad partitions, this is the AMP that initially processes the data being loaded.
If a RunVprocNo value of -1 in record mode or NULL in indicator mode is returned by MonitorMySessions for FastLoad, MultiLoad or FastExport sessions, this indicates that the session is in the process of starting up.
Name of the session partition associated with this session. Following a successful logon request by a session or as part of a connect request, the session identifies the partition with which the user wants the session to be associated. FASTLOAD, Teradata SQL, MONITOR, INTERNAL are examples of valid partition names.
Current state of the session within the PE. See the MONITOR SESSION PEState field for a list of the PEState values.
Date and time portion of the information recorded by Session Control when a session successfully logs on. It is usually formatted for display as yyyy/mm/dd 99:99:99.99, which represents the year, month, day, hours: minutes: seconds.
User or internal ID of a user for this session. Within the database, UserId is equivalent to Database ID. Typically, UserId is used when the associated record is known to be a user name, and Database ID is used when the associated record is known to be a database. However, UserId can identify either a given user or database name.
Logon Sequence Number (LSN) that is associated with a session when the session logs on. It identifies a collection of sessions performing a related activity. For example, in a FastLoad job, a user is logged on as a Teradata SQL session, as well as n FastLoad sessions with the same user name. Therefore, n+1 sessions (1 Teradata SQL and n FastLoad) with the same LSN are all associated with the given FastLoad job. To see how the FastLoad job is doing, the user can pick out all sessions reported with the same LSN number.
This information supplies the parent-child relationship for sessions involved with FastLoad and MultiLoad jobs.
User name of the session.
Current account for the session.
CPU time (in seconds) used in a PE by the associated session for parsing and dispatching requests. It is accurate to the second.

This value is valid only when associated with Teradata SQL and MONITOR partition sessions.

Number of explicit and implicit transactions executed by the session.
This value is valid only when returned for Teradata SQL sessions, and is NULL for all other partition sessions. For this value, you must make a request for data before completion of the first collection period that follows either a system outage or a change in the ResMonitor rate.
Number of requests (Tequel Start Request [TSR] messages) initiated by the session.
This value is NULL when a request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or change in the ResMonitor rate.
Number of times that this session processed a request using information from the Teradata SQL Parser request cache, specifically, how many times there was a request cache hit.
This value is valid only for Teradata SQL sessions, and is NULL for all other partition sessions. This value is also NULL when a request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the ResMonitor rate.
Current state of the associated session in AMP vprocs in decreasing priority:
State Description
ABORTING Transaction being rolled back; session aborting.
BLOCKED Background activity in progress; last request on hold until background activity is completed.
ACTIVE Normal, on-going activity.
IDLE No work in progress on any AMP.
UNKNOWN No recorded activity since monitoring began.
This value is NULL when a request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the SesMonitorLoc or SesMonitorSys rate.
Current elapsed CPU time, in seconds, used on all AMPs by the associated session for executing requests. For example, for Teradata SQL requests, this is the time spent by the database actively working or rolling back an aborted transaction. This does not include any PDE CPU time spent handling database requests.
This value is NULL when a request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the ResMonitor rate.
Current number of logical Reads and Writes issued across all AMPs by the associated session.
This value is NULL when a request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the ResMonitor rate.
Current spool used by current request across all AMPs, expressed as a number of bytes.
This value is NULL when a request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the ResMonitor rate.
Logical host ID of a session causing a block. This value is derived from equating the transactions causing a database lock conflict to the sessions that issued those transactions. The Blk_x_HostId in combination with Blk_x_SessNo uniquely identifies the session that is causing a block.
This value is NULL if:
  • The host ID is not available.
  • The session does not have an AMPState of BLOCKED.
If the Blk_x_HostId, Blk_x_SessNo, and Blk_x_UserID values all return as NULLs and AMPState is BLOCKED, a Host Utility (HUT) lock left over after the session holding the lock was aborted or logged off. The lock was never released, and no blocking information is available because the session no longer exists.
Use the Show Locks utility to obtain the user name that placed the HUT lock. For more information, see Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities, B035-1102.
Number of the session causing a block. This value is derived from associating the transactions causing a lock conflict to the sessions that issued those transactions. The Blk_x_SessNo in combination with Blk_x_HostId uniquely identifies the session causing a block.
This value is NULL if:
  • SessNo is not available.
  • Session does not have an AMPState of BLOCKED.
  • A request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the SesMonitorLoc or SesMonitorSys rate.
If the Blk_x_HostId, Blk_x_SessNo, and Blk_x_UserID values all return as NULLs and AMPState is BLOCKED, a host utility lock left over after the session holding the lock was aborted or logged off. The lock was never released, and no blocking information is available because the session no longer exists.
Use the Show Locks utility to obtain the user name that placed the HUT lock. For more information, see Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities, B035-1102.
ID of the user or host utility job preventing the session from being granted a lock. The user ID is the only information available about who placed the lock.
This value is NULL if:
  • Session does not have an AMPState of BLOCKED.
  • A request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the SesMonitorLoc or SesMonitorSys rate.
If the Blk_x_HostId, Blk_x_SessNo, and Blk_x_UserID values all return as NULLs and AMPState is BLOCKED, a host utility lock left over after the session holding the lock was aborted or logged off. The lock was never released, and no blocking information is available because the session no longer exists.
Use the Show Locks utility to obtain the user name that placed the HUT lock. For more information, see Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities, B035-1102.
Mode (severity) of the lock involved in causing a block:
  • E = Exclusive
  • W = Write
  • R = Read
  • A = Access
Locks are reported in decreasing order of severity because removing the most severe lock conflict may eliminate the source of the lock conflict.
This value is NULL if:
  • The session does not have an AMPState of BLOCKED.
  • A request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the SesMonitorLoc or SesMonitorSys rate.
A session may be blocked by either a granted lock or an ungranted lock that precedes the blocked lock in the queue and is in conflict with the lock requested by this blocked session. For information on whether the lock is granted, see the MONITOR SESSION fields: Blk1Status, Blk2Status, and Blk3Status.
Type of object whose lock is causing the session described by the associated row to be blocked:
  • D = Database
  • T= Table
  • R = Row hash
  • TP = Table Partition range
  • RP = RowHash in Partition range
  • RK = RowHash in one partition
  • RN = RowKey range
However, this object is not necessarily the type of object the blocked session is trying to access. For example, if the session is requesting a row hash lock, the blocking object could be a database, table, or row hash.
This value is NULL if:
  • Session does not have an AMPState of BLOCKED.
  • A request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the SesMonitorLoc or SesMonitorSys rate.
For a Table T, it is possible for User A to block User B with a table level lock on Table T on AMP_1 and with a Row Hash Level lock on that same Table T on AMP_2. When that occurs, the only lock conflict reported is that User B is blocked by User A on a table.
Unique ID of the database object over which a lock conflict is preventing the session from being granted a lock.
Within the database system, Database ID is equivalent to User ID. Typically, User ID is used when the associated record is known to be a user name, and Database ID is used when the associated record is known to be a database. However, Database ID can identify either a user or database name.
This value is NULL if:
  • The session does not have an AMPState of BLOCKED.
  • A request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the SesMonitorLoc or SesMonitorSys rate.
Unique ID of the table object over which a lock conflict is preventing the session from being granted a lock.
This value is NULL if:
  • The session does not have an AMPState of BLOCKED.
  • The Blk_x_OType is D.
  • A request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the SesMonitorLoc or SesMonitorSys rate.
Status of lock causing a block:
  • W= Waiting
  • G = Granted
This value is NULL if:
  • Session does not have an AMPState of BLOCKED.
  • A request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the SesMonitorLoc or SesMonitorSys rate.
A lock request may be blocked by either a granted lock or an ungranted lock that precedes the blocked lock request in the queue and is in conflict with it.
A status of Waiting has a higher priority than that of Granted when there is more than one lock involved. For example, for a given object and a given session, a session that is blocked by a Waiting lock on one AMP and a Granted lock on another AMP has Waiting reported as its status.
Indicator of more lock conflicts:
  • Blank = Blk x information is a complete list of sessions blocking the session described.
  • Asterisk (*) = Additional sessions are blocking the session described.
This value is NULL if:
  • The state of the session is not BLOCKED.
  • A request for data is made before completion of the first collection period following either a system outage or a change in the SesMonitorLoc or SesMonitorSys rate.
Logon source information. At logon time, this information is optionally supplied by the Teradata Director Program or the Gateway to further identify the physical or logical location of the session, the logon user name, and the interface under which the session was initiated. (For example, the data string may include DBC as the user ID and BTEQ as the interface.)
A two-byte value precedes the LogonSource data to indicate the length of the string. The length value is zero if LogonSource is NULL.
For a list of the commonly seen LogonSource string application names, see Teradata Vantage™ - SQL Data Definition Language Detailed Topics, B035-1184.
Where n in [1, 3]: CPU time of the nth highest CPU utilized AMP during the collection interval.
Where n in [1, 2]: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Where n = 3: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires, and if there are only two AMPs on the system.
Where n in [1, 3]: Vproc ID of the nth highest CPU utilized AMP for the last session collection interval.
Where n in [1, 2]: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Where n = 3: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires, and if there are only two AMPs on the system.
Where n in [1, 3]: I/O count of the nth highest I/O utilized AMP during the collection interval.
Where n in [1, 2]: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Where n = 3: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires, and if there are only two AMPs on the system.
Where n in [1, 3]: Vproc ID of the nth highest I/O utilized AMP for the last session collection interval.
Where n in [1, 2]: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Where n = 3: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires, and if there are only two AMPs on the system.
Where n in [1, 3]: CPU time of the nth lowest CPU utilized AMP during the collection interval.
Where n in [1, 2]: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Where n = 3: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires, and if there are only two AMPs on the system.
Where n in [1, 3]: Vproc ID of the nth lowest CPU utilized AMP for the last session collection interval.
Where n in [1, 2]: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Where n = 3: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires, and if there are only two AMPs on the system.
Where n in [1, 3]: I/O count of the nth lowest I/O utilized AMP during the collection interval.
Where n in [1, 2]: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Where n = 3: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires, and if there are only two AMPs on the system.
Where n in [1, 3]: Vproc ID of the nth lowest I/O utilized AMP for the last session collection interval.
Where n in [1, 2]: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Where n = 3: This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires, and if there are only two AMPs on the system.
Average AMP CPU utilization for the last session collection interval. The average is calculated as the sum of CPU utilization for all amps participating divided by the number of online AMPs.
This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Average AMP I/O utilization for the last session collection interval. The average is calculated as the sum of I/O utilization for all AMPs participating divided by the number of online AMPs.
This value is NULL if the request is made before the collection period expires.
Current number of AMPs currently executing on the associated node.
Total amount, in bytes, of temporary space used by the session.
This value is NULL if the session did not materialize any temporary tables.
Date and time of the current request on the session started. It is usually formatted for display as yyyy/mm/dd 99:99:99.99, which represents the year, month, day hours: minutes: seconds.
Total CPU usage by the current SQL request on the session on all AMPs. This value contains proper request-level statistics for DBC/SQL sessions running SQL requests only. Ignore the value returned in this field for other types of sessions, such as DBC/SQL sessions linked to a utility job.
This field is equivalent to the MONITOR SESSION RequestAmpCPU field.
Total number of accesses by the current SQL request for the session on all AMPs. This value contains proper request-level statistics for DBC/SQL sessions running SQL requests only. Ignore the value returned in this field for other types of sessions, such as DBC/SQL sessions linked to a utility job.
This field is equivalent to the MONITOR SESSION RequestAmpI/O field.
In some rare cases, in the very early phase of a request in parsing state, when PEState = PARSING, the request number may not be available and returned as zero or NULL. The active request number will be available on the next collection.
Workload ID associated with the specified request.
Flag indicating that the next request on the session will not be classified but will use the workload ID (WlcId) already assigned to the session. This will occur if this is a utility session or a WlcId was assigned to the session using the TDWMAssignWD function or the TDWM WD ASSIGNMENT request. For more information on these APIs, see Teradata Dynamic Workload Management APIs: PM/APIs.
Name of the proxy user in a trusted session.
Current most severe decay level as reached due to CPU usage.
Nodes can be at different levels of decay (for example, 0, 1, or 2).
Current most severe decay level as reached due to I/O usage.
Nodes can be at different levels of decay (for example, 0, 1, or 2).
Number of nodes that encountered a CPU exception.
Number of nodes that encountered an I/O exception.
Total logical I/O usage in KB.
Number of physical I/Os.
Physical I/O usage in KB.
Count of completed steps for the current request. No change in ReqStepsCompletedCnt from the previous Monitor Session collection indicates no new steps completed.
Redrive protection type:
  • ' ' = No Redrive protection. This indicates that the session will not participate in Redrive and database restarts will not be transparent to applications and users.
  • MN = Memory-based Redrive protection, no fallback spools
Indicates if the session is participating in Redrive. Sessions that use Redrive can enable or disable the functionality using the REDRIVE reserved query band. Possible values:
  • T = Redrive functionality is enabled (database restarts are transparent to applications and users)
  • F = Redrive functionality is disabled (database restarts are not transparent to applications and users)
Persistent spool space for the current request.
Total number of blocker sessions for the session. Unlike the MONITOR SESSION request, this field returns only the first three blocker sessions in the record parcel. There are no additional blocker sessions if there are more than three blocker sessions.
The total number of bytes transferred into the database from a foreign server for the current request through one or more table operators.
The request may involve one or multiple table operator executions. The ReqTblOpBytesIn output parameter shows bytes transferred across all invocations within the request.
The total number of bytes transferred out of the database and into a foreign server for the current request through one or more table operators.
The request may involve one or multiple table operator executions. The ReqTblOpBytesOut output parameter shows bytes transferred across all invocations within the request.
The user ID charged for SPOOL and TEMP space if being charged to the proxy user.
The unique identifier of the zone.
The CPU time of the highest CPU utilized AMP during the life of the current request on the session.
Vproc ID of the highest CPU utilized AMP for the current request.
I/O count of the highest I/O utilized AMP during the life of the current request on the session.
Vproc ID of the highest I/O utilized AMP for the current request.
The number of AMPs involved in processing the current request.
Date and time that the first response of the current request on the session is ready. The response may be held to meet the TASM Minimum Response Time.
The current state of the Unified Data Architecture (UDA) query.
Host ID of the remote system.
Session ID of the executing remote query.
Request ID of the executing remote query.
Query ID of the executing remote query.
Spool value of the highest spool utilized AMP during the life of the current request on the session.
This value is NULL if no request is running on the session.
Vproc ID of the highest spool utilized AMP for the current request.
This value is NULL if no request is running on the session.
Map number for the largest map the request is using.
Number of AMPs in the largest contiguous map used by the request.
Number of AMPs in the smallest contiguous map used by the request.
Number of AMPs in the system-default map used by the request.
Host IP address of the remote system.
Name of the foreign server.
The TDWM Flex Throttle feature detects available system resources, overrides existing workload throttle limits and automatically releases queries from the delay queue. This minimizes the DBA manually managing the TASM delay queue. Note, only Workload throttles are overridden; all System level throttles are still honored.
Return values:
  • 0: Indicates that the request was not released by TDWM Flex Throttles.
  • 1: Indicates that the request was released by TDWM Flex Throttles.
Returns the date and time when a request is admitted into the system by TDWM.

Usage Notes

The following CPU fields in the MonitorMySessions response are affected by the MonSesCPUNormalization field:
  • AvgAmpCPUSec
  • HotAmp1CPU
  • HotAmp2CPU
  • HotAmp3CPU
  • LowAmp1CPU
  • LowAmp2CPU
  • LowAmp3CPU
  • PECPUSec
  • RequestAmpCPU

The MonSesCPUNormalization field, a DBS Control General Record field, controls whether normalized or non-normalized statistical CPU data is reported by the functions: MonitorMySessions and MonitorSession, and by the MONITOR SESSION request. For more information about the MonSesCPUNormalization field and CPU normalization, see the DBS Control utility in Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities, B035-1102.

For a complete description of these fields, see the topic that follows.

You can also refer to MonitorSession and MONITOR SESSION for a list of these CPU fields.

A Trusted Session enables a middle-tier application to switch the user on an already active database session to another user (proxy user). Once the user is switched, all subsequent requests uses the privileges and session attributes of the proxy user. MonitorMySessions returns the logon user name and ID in the UserName and UserId fields and the proxy user name and ID in the ProxyUserName and ProxyUserId fields.

When connected as a permanent proxy user, MonitorMySessions returns all information on sessions directly logged on as the permanent proxy user. It does not return the current session or any other proxy user sessions for the permanent proxy user.

Example: Using MonitorMySessions

select * from table (monitormysessions()) as t1;

 *** Query completed. 2 rows found. 116 columns returned.
 *** Total elapsed time was 1 second.

                     HostId      1
                  SessionNo        1006
                  LogonPENo  30718
                 RunVprocNo  30718
                   PartName DBC/SQL
                    PEstate DISPATCHING
                  LogonTime 2016/04/29 11:26:46.00
                     UserId        1028
                        LSN           0
                   UserName JCK
                UserAccount DBC
                   PECPUsec  2.40000000000000E-002
                  XActCount  1.00000000000000E 000
                   ReqCount  2.00000000000000E 000
               ReqCacheHits  0.00000000000000E 000
                   AMPState ACTIVE
                  AMPCPUSec  1.12050000000000E 003
                      AMPIO  3.49605000000000E 005
                   ReqSpool  4.39090831360000E 010
                 Blk1HostId      0
                 Blk1SessNo           0
                 Blk1UserId           0
                Blk1ObjDBID           0
                 Blk1ObjTID           0
                 Blk2HostId      0
                 Blk2SessNo           0
                 Blk2UserId           0
                Blk2ObjDBID           0
                 Blk2ObjTID           0
                 Blk3HostId      0
                 Blk3SessNo           0
                 Blk3UserId           0
                Blk3ObjDBID           0
                 Blk3ObjTID           0
                LogonSource (TCP/IP) f1a3 MYSYSTEM      9964
                 HotAmp1CPU  3.33200000000000E 001
                 HotAmp2CPU  3.32880000000000E 001
                 HotAmp3CPU  3.32880000000000E 001
               HotAmp1CPUId      2
               HotAmp2CPUId      1
               HotAmp3CPUId      0
                  HotAmp1IO  1.03620000000000E 004
                  HotAmp2IO  1.03460000000000E 004
                  HotAmp3IO  1.03270000000000E 004
                HotAmp1IOId      2
                HotAmp2IOId      3
                HotAmp3IOId      1
                 LowAmp1CPU  3.32760000000000E 001
                 LowAmp2CPU  3.32880000000000E 001
                 LowAmp3CPU  3.32880000000000E 001
               LowAmp1CPUId      3
               LowAmp2CPUId      1
               LowAmp3CPUId      0
                  LowAmp1IO  1.03160000000000E 004
                  LowAmp2IO  1.03270000000000E 004
                  LowAmp3IO  1.03460000000000E 004
                LowAmp1IOId      0
                LowAmp2IOId      1
                LowAmp3IOId      3
               AvgAmpCPUSec  3.32930000000000E 001
                AvgAmpIOCnt  1.03377500000000E 004
                   AmpCount      4
               TempSpaceUsg  0.00000000000000E 000
               ReqStartTime 2016/04/29 11:26:46.00
                     ReqCPU  1.12050000000000E 003
                      ReqIO  3.49605000000000E 005
                      ReqNo           3
                      WlcId           0
         DontReclassifyFlag    255
              CPUDecayLevel      0
               IODecayLevel      0
       TacticalCPUException           0
        TacticalIOException           0
                    ReqIOKB  4.34172850000000E 007
                  ReqPhysIO  9.09660000000000E 004
                ReqPhysIOKB  3.97004920000000E 007
       ReqStepsCompletedCnt           9
          RedriveProtection MN
CurrentRedriveParticipation F
       ReqRedriveSpoolSpace  0.00000000000000E 000
          BlockerSessionCnt      0
            ReqTblOpBytesIn  0.00000000000000E 000
           ReqTblOpBytesOut  0.00000000000000E 000
                ProxyUserId           0
                     ZoneId           0
               ReqHotAmpCPU  2.80292000000000E 002
             ReqHotAmpCPUId      3
                ReqHotAmpIO  8.75320000000000E 004
              ReqHotAmpIOId      3
          ReqInvolvedAMPCnt      4
           ReqFirstRespTime 0000/00/00 00:00:00.00
        ReqLocalQueryStatus      0
            ReqRemoteHostId      0
         ReqRemoteSessionId           0
         ReqRemoteRequestId           0
           ReqRemoteQueryId  0.00000000000000E 000
             ReqHotAmpSpool  1.09939000320000E 010
           ReqHotAmpSpoolId      3
                   ReqMapNo      0
           ReqMaxNumMapAMPs           0
           ReqMinNumMapAMPs           0
        ReqSysDefNumMapAMPs           0
            ReqFlexReleased      0
                     HostId      1
                  SessionNo        1010
                  LogonPENo  30719
                 RunVprocNo  30719
                   PartName DBC/SQL
                    PEstate DISPATCHING
                  LogonTime 2016/04/29 11:45:40.00
                     UserId        1028
                        LSN           0
                   UserName JCK
                UserAccount DBC
                   PECPUsec  3.00000000000000E-001
                  XActCount  1.00000000000000E 000
                   ReqCount  3.00000000000000E 000
               ReqCacheHits  0.00000000000000E 000
                   AMPState ACTIVE
                  AMPCPUSec  4.00000000000000E-003
                      AMPIO  0.00000000000000E 000
                   ReqSpool  0.00000000000000E 000
                 Blk1HostId      0
                 Blk1SessNo           0
                 Blk1UserId           0
                Blk1ObjDBID           0
                 Blk1ObjTID           0
                 Blk2HostId      0
                 Blk2SessNo           0
                 Blk2UserId           0
                Blk2ObjDBID           0
                 Blk2ObjTID           0
                 Blk3HostId      0
                 Blk3SessNo           0
                 Blk3UserId           0
                Blk3ObjDBID           0
                 Blk3ObjTID           0
                LogonSource (TCP/IP) f1f0 MYSYS      8348  JK
                 HotAmp1CPU  4.00000000000000E-003
                 HotAmp2CPU  0.00000000000000E 000
                 HotAmp3CPU  0.00000000000000E 000
               HotAmp1CPUId      2
               HotAmp2CPUId      0
               HotAmp3CPUId      0
                  HotAmp1IO  0.00000000000000E 000
                  HotAmp2IO  0.00000000000000E 000
                  HotAmp3IO  0.00000000000000E 000
                HotAmp1IOId      0
                HotAmp2IOId      0
                HotAmp3IOId      0
                 LowAmp1CPU  0.00000000000000E 000
                 LowAmp2CPU  0.00000000000000E 000
                 LowAmp3CPU  0.00000000000000E 000
               LowAmp1CPUId      3
               LowAmp2CPUId      1
               LowAmp3CPUId      0
                  LowAmp1IO  0.00000000000000E 000
                  LowAmp2IO  0.00000000000000E 000
                  LowAmp3IO  0.00000000000000E 000
                LowAmp1IOId      2
                LowAmp2IOId      3
                LowAmp3IOId      1
               AvgAmpCPUSec  1.00000000000000E-003
                AvgAmpIOCnt  0.00000000000000E 000
                   AmpCount      4
               TempSpaceUsg  0.00000000000000E 000
               ReqStartTime 2016/04/29 11:45:44.00
                     ReqCPU  4.00000000000000E-003
                      ReqIO  0.00000000000000E 000
                      ReqNo           3
                      WlcId           0
         DontReclassifyFlag    255
              CPUDecayLevel      0
               IODecayLevel      0
       TacticalCPUException           0
        TacticalIOException           0
                    ReqIOKB  0.00000000000000E 000
                  ReqPhysIO  0.00000000000000E 000
                ReqPhysIOKB  0.00000000000000E 000
       ReqStepsCompletedCnt           0
          RedriveProtection MN
CurrentRedriveParticipation F
       ReqRedriveSpoolSpace  0.00000000000000E 000
          BlockerSessionCnt      0
            ReqTblOpBytesIn  0.00000000000000E 000
           ReqTblOpBytesOut  0.00000000000000E 000
                ProxyUserId           0
                     ZoneId           0
               ReqHotAmpCPU  4.00000000000000E-003
             ReqHotAmpCPUId      2
                ReqHotAmpIO  0.00000000000000E 000
              ReqHotAmpIOId      0
          ReqInvolvedAMPCnt      4
           ReqFirstRespTime 0000/00/00 00:00:00.00
        ReqLocalQueryStatus      0
            ReqRemoteHostId      0
         ReqRemoteSessionId           0
         ReqRemoteRequestId           0
           ReqRemoteQueryId  0.00000000000000E 000
             ReqHotAmpSpool  0.00000000000000E 000
           ReqHotAmpSpoolId      0
                   ReqMapNo      0
           ReqMaxNumMapAMPs           0
           ReqMinNumMapAMPs           0
        ReqSysDefNumMapAMPs           0
            ReqFlexReleased      0