QryLogV - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

Category: Query

Database: DBC

View Column Data Type Format Comment
ProcID DECIMAL(5,0) NOT NULL -(5)9 Returns the process ID of the dispatcher.
CollectTimeStamp TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) (Prime Key) Time and date when the DBQLog cache was allocated.
QueryID DECIMAL(18,0) NOT NULL --Z(17)9 Returns a system-wide unique ID to identify the query.
UserID BYTE(4) NOT NULL X(8) Returns the ID of the user.
UserName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the name of the user who issued the query.
DefaultDatabase VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the name of the current default database used in the query.
AcctString VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Unexpanded Account String under which the user issued the query.
ExpandAcctString VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the expanded logon string of the user.
SessionID INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the unique identification number of the session.
LogicalHostID SMALLINT NOT NULL -(5)9 Returns a unique identifier of the logon source for the logged query. A value of zero indicates an internal session.
RequestNum INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Client request number for all queries. For statements within stored procedure CALL statements, the request number is the same as the CALL.
InternalRequestNum INTEGER NOT NULL --,---,---,--9 Returns the internal request number used by the Teradata Database.
TxnUniq BYTE(4) X(8) Transaction Uniq portion used with ProcId.
LockLevel VARCHAR(10) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(10) Highest level lock associated with this request.
LogonDateTime TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Returns the date and time that the session was logged on.
AcctStringTime FLOAT 99:99:99 Returns the result from the &T code when the user has specified Account String Expansion (ASE).
AcctStringHour SMALLINT -(5)9 Returns the result from the &H code when the user has specified Account String Expansion (ASE).
AcctStringDate DATE YY/MM/DD Returns the result from the &D code when the user has specified Account String Expansion (ASE).
LogonSource CHAR(128) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the logon source string text.
AppID CHAR(30) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(30) Returns the application ID.
ClientID CHAR(30) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(30) Returns the client ID.
ClientAddr CHAR(45) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(45) The client address of the submitted query.
QueryBand VARCHAR(12304) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(12304) Returns the band under which the query is submitted.
ProfileID BYTE(4) X(8) Returns the unique number assigned to the cost profile instance in the system.
StartTime TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Returns the time the query is submitted.
TDWMAdmissionTime TIMESTAMP(6) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) The time when a request is admitted into the system by workload management(i.e., after ARM processing).
FirstStepTime TIMESTAMP(6) NOT NULL YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Returns the time the first step for this query is dispatched.
FirstRespTime TIMESTAMP(6) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) Time first response was sent to the host.
ElapsedTime HS -h(4):mm:ss.s(6) Returns the difference between first response time and start time.
NumSteps SMALLINT NOT NULL ---,--9 Returns the total number of (level 1) steps for this query.
NumJoinSteps SMALLINT ---,--9 Number of Join Steps in the request.
NumSumSteps SMALLINT ---,--9 Number of Sum steps in the request.
NumStepswPar SMALLINT ---,--9 Returns the number of (level 1) steps with parallel steps.
MaxStepsInPar SMALLINT ---,--9 Returns the maximum number of (level 2) steps done in parallel for this query.
NumResultRows FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the total number of rows returned for the query.
NumResultOneMBRows FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 The number of 1MB rows (1MB > size > 64KB) in the set of rows returned for the query.
MaxOneMBRowSize INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The actual size in bytes of the largest 1MB row in the set of rows returned for the query.
TotalIOCount FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the number of IOs from AMPs that were generated by the query.
AMPCPUTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 The total AMP CPU time in seconds used by this query.
ParserCPUTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Returns the total parser and dispatcher CPU time in seconds used for the query.
UtilityByteCount BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 The number of bytes transferred by client as part of FastLoad or MultiLoad job.
UtilityRowCount FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Returns the number of rows loaded by FastLoad or MultiLoad.
ErrorCode INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns error code if the query caused a Parser syntax error.
ErrorText VARCHAR(1024) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1024) Returns the text from the error if ErrorCode is not 0.
WarningOnly CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Returns warning code T for true if the error was reported while running TDWM in the warning mode, or it is not logged at all. A null is found in the field if WarningOnly is not true.
AbortFlag CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Returns T(yes) if this query was aborted.
CacheFlag CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) This field is blank if the query is not found in step cache. The possible values are T, G, S, and A.
StatementType CHAR(20) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(20) Statement type issued by the query. Final statement type in a multistatement request.
StatementGroup VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the grouping for the query, whether it is a DDL, DML, or SELECT statement. For a multistatement request, this value indicates the number of different statement types in the request.
QueryText VARCHAR(10000) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(10000) Returns the query text. The default size is 200 characters.
NumOfActiveAMPs INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of AMPS that were active for this query.
MaxAMPCPUTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Returns the CPU time in seconds of the highest CPU utilized AMP in the query.
MaxCPUAmpNumber INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of the AMP with the highest CPU activity.
MinAmpCPUTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Returns the CPU time in seconds of the lowest CPU utilized AMP in the step.
MaxAmpIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 (renamed from HotAmpIO) Returns the I/O count of the highest I/O utilized AMP in the step.
MaxIOAmpNumber INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of the AMP with the highest IO usage for this step.
MinAmpIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 (renamed from LowAmpIO) Returns the I/O count of the lowest I/O utilized AMP in the query.
SpoolUsage BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 Peak Spool usage (bytes) of any step in the query (DataCollectAlg=3). Otherwise, number of bytes used for spool in the query.
LSN INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the Logon Sequence Number used for a load utility.
EstResultRows FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Estimated number of rows returned by this query.
EstProcTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 EstProcTime returns the estimated processing time in seconds (with .001 resolution) from the Optimizer.
EstMaxStepTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 The estimated maximum step time in seconds from the optimizer.
EstMaxRowCount FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Maximum of estimated row count for the steps in this query.
TDWMEstMemUsage FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Maximum estimated memory in MBs for largest step.
AMPCPUTimeNorm FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Returns the normalized AMP CPU time in seconds for co-existence systems.
ParserCPUTimeNorm FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Returns the normalized parser CPU time in seconds for co-existence systems.
MaxAMPCPUTimeNorm FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 MaxAMPCPUTimeNorm returns the normalized CPU time in seconds (with .001 resolution) of the AMP with maximum CPU utilization in the query.
MaxCPUAmpNumberNorm INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of the AMP with the highest CPU activity.
MinAmpCPUTimeNorm FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 MinAmpCPUTimeNorm returns the normalized CPU Time in seconds (with .001 resolution) of the AMP with minimum CPU utilization in the query.
ParserExpReq FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Returns the number of seconds the parser waited on an express request.
ProxyUser VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the name of the proxy user.
ProxyRole VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) The proxy role utilized for the query.
SessionTemporalQualifier VARCHAR(1024) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1024) DBC.QryLogV.SessionTemporalQualifier records the session temporal qualifier for the session apart from the SQL Stored
CalendarName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(128) DBC.QryLogV.CalendarName records the Calendar Name set for the session
CPUDecayLevel SMALLINT ---,--9 Contains most severe decay level reached for CPU usage on any one node.
IODecayLevel SMALLINT ---,--9 Contains most severe decay level reached for IO usage on any one node.
TacticalCPUException INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The total number of nodes that had CPU exception.
TacticalIOException INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The total number of nodes that had IO exception.
SeqRespTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Contains sum of the response time of all steps as if they had been executed sequentially in units of seconds.
ReqIOKB FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Total logical IO usage in kilobytes for the request.
ReqPhysIO FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Number of physical IOs for the request.
ReqPhysIOKB FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Total physical IO usage in kilobytes for the request.
DataCollectAlg BYTEINT -(3)9 Returns CPU/IO collection algorithm used by DBQL. Possible values include: 1- Classic Algo
CallNestingLevel BYTEINT -(3)9 The level of nesting when the request is running in stored procedure.
NumRequestCtx BYTEINT -(3)9 Number of request contexts associated with the session.
KeepFlag CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) This is a flag with value (Y) or (N) indicating that the response parcel should be kept until the client responds that it no longer needs it.
QueryRedriven CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) This is a flag with value (Y) or (N) to indicate if the query was re-driven.
ReDriveKind CHAR(10) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(10) Contains the type of reset protection with which the query was re-driven. (MN)-Memory Non-fallback responses, (DF)-Dictionary table Fallback responses, (DN)-Dictionary Table Non-fallback responses.
LastRespTime TIMESTAMP(6) YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(6) End of the request, end of the host/client response phase where applicable (DataCollectAlg=3).
DisCPUTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 The CPU time used in the dispatcher by this query (seconds).
Statements INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Number of statements in the request.
DisCPUTimeNorm FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 The Normalized CPU time used in the dispatcher by this query (seconds).
TxnMode CHAR(10) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(10) Transaction mode of this query (ANSI, BTET).
RequestMode CHAR(5) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(5) Request mode of this query: Prep - only prepare query; PrepS - only prepare query, parameterized SQL; Exec - execute the query; Both - Prepare and Execute query.
DBQLStatus INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Internal DBQL logging status. Zero indicates no status conditions (DataCollectAlg=3).
NumFragments INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The number of fragments in a IPE plan execution of request.
VHLogicalIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Total number of Very Hot logical I/Os for the whole request.
VHPhysIO FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Total number of Very Hot Physical I/Os for the whole request.
VHLogicalIOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Total Very Hot logical I/Os in kilobytes for the whole request.
VHPhysIOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Total Very Hot Physical I/Os in kilobytes for the whole request.
LockDelay FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Maximum wait time to get a lock on object in centi-seconds.
CheckpointNum FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Checkpoint interval number for MLOADX.
UnityTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Time in seconds the stored procedure request was being processed by Unity.
UtilityInfoAvailable CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Indication if a request also has utility information available in the DBQLUtilityTbl table.
UnitySQL CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Y - indicates Unity requested the SQL be modified. This will be set when Unity asks for Unity transaction table to be updated.
ThrottleBypassed CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Returns whether the request was only allowed to run due to the throttlebypass feature of TDWM.
FlexThrottle CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Flag 'T' indicates this query was released from the TDWM delay queue due to the Flex Throttle feature.
IterationCount INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Iteration count for data parcel associated with a request.
TTGranularity VARCHAR(30) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC NOT NULL X(30) Records the Transaction Time Granularity Name set for the session
MaxStepMemory FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 The maximum memory in MBs used by any one step in the request.
TotalServerByteCount BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 Total bytes sent and received from the foreign server.
PersistentSpool BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 Persistent part of SpoolUsage.
RemoteQuery CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Flag 'T' indicates a remote query has been submitted.
ProxyUserID BYTE(4) X(8) Returns the internal ID of the proxy user if the proxy user is a permanent user.
DelayTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Returns the number of seconds the query was delayed by Workload Management.
TDWMRuleID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns rule identifier of the query.
MinRespHoldTime FLOAT Z,ZZ9.9 Seconds response was held to meet the minimum response time.
TotalFirstRespTime FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 DelayTime + Execution Time + MinRespHoldTime. (in seconds)
ParamQuery CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Flag 'T' indicates the query is parameterized.
ProfileName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the name of the profile, if any, under which the user submitted the query.
WDName VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) Returns the workload definition (WD) name assigned to the query.
MaxNumMapAMPs INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns the number of AMPs in the largest contiguous map used by the request.
MinNumMapAMPs INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The number of AMPs in the smallest contiguous map used by this request.
SysDefNumMapAMPs INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Number of AMPs in the system-default map.
UsedIota FLOAT ZZ,ZZZ,ZZ9.999 Return IO Tokens used by the requests.
ImpactSpool BIGINT -(19)9 System level spool impact by the request
AutoDBAData CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Values indicate if the request contains AutoDBA Data.
UAFName CHAR(10) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(10) Name of an Analytic Function being executed by EXECUTE FUNCTION. The default is NULL.
UnityQueryType BYTEINT -(3)9 Indicates if it is a replayed SQL or CDA.
DefaultDBCacheUsed CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) Value of 'T' indicating that default DB part of the step cache used, 'F' otherwise. NULL if request not cached.
ReqAWTTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Returns AWT elapsed time in seconds for the request.
MaxReqAwtTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Returns Max AWT elapsed time in seconds for the request.
MaxReqAWTTimeAmpNum INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Returns AMP number that had max AWTTime for the request.
MinReqAWTTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Returns Min AWT elapsed time in seconds for the request.
UDFVMData FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 UDF Virtual memory data size for the request.
UDFVMPeak FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 UDF Virtual memory peak for the request.
TotalUDFMemUsage FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Total memory in bytes used by UDF for the request.
MaxReqUDFMemUsage FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Max memory in bytes used by UDF for the request.
MaxReqUDFMemUsageAmpNum INTEGER --,---,---,--9 AMP number that had max memory used by UDF for this request.
PGRCTimeToGetPlan FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Time taken for communication between Cache Management Threads and session Thread to get plan from target PE when Partitioned Global Request Cache feature is ON.
PGRCTgtPENum SMALLINT ---,--9 Returns the target PE number which holds the PSTEPS for this request when PGRC feature is ON.
NosRecordsReturned BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 Number of records returned by a Native Object Store request.
NosRecordsSkipped BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 Number of records skipped by a Native Object Store request.
NosPhysReadIO BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 Total physical read IOs for Native Object Store files.
NosPhysReadIOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Total KB of physical read IOs for Native Object Store files.
NosRecordsReturnedKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Total KB of records returned for Native Object Store files.
NosTotalIOWaitTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Total of the Native Object Store IO wait time in seconds for the request.
NosMaxIOWaitTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 Max Native Object Store IO wait time for the request. Units in seconds.
NosCPUTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 CPU time in seconds for reading Native Object Store files for the request.
NosTables INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Total number of Native Object Store tables accessed in the request.
NosFiles INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Numbers of Native Object Store file reads were attempted on by this request.
NosFilesSkipped INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Number of Native Object Store files that were skipped.
StepCacheHash INTEGER --Z(17)9 Step cache hash value of this request if cached, NULL otherwise.
ResponseTimeMet CHAR(1) LATIN NOT CASESPECIFIC X(1) 'T' if the query met the service level goal of the workload definition.
TDWMMSRCount INTEGER --,---,---,--9 The number of statements excluding BT, ET, Commit, Macros, Materialized Tmp Tables and Null statements in the Request.
DeferTime FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9.999 The number of seconds a query was deferred by workload management due to ARM rules.
DeferRuleID INTEGER --,---,---,--9 TDWM Rule ID of one of the ARM rules which caused this request to be deferred.
StmtDMLRowCount JSON X(128) Returns the row count for DML(Insert or Update or Delete) statements.
UnityQueryForeignInfo VARCHAR(128) UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC X(128) UnityForeignQueryID and UnityForeignSystemID
NosPhysWriteIO BIGINT --,---,---,---,---,---,--9 Total physical write IOs for Native Object Store files for this request.
NosPhysWriteIOKB FLOAT ----,---,---,---,--9 Total KB of physical write IOs for Native Object Store files for this request.
NosFilesWritten INTEGER --,---,---,--9 Number of file writes attempted by Native Object Store in this request.