The SystemFE macros provide information about reported system events. You can use this information to monitor the health of the database. The SystemFE Macros are designed to be run using the BTEQ facility.
By default, the SystemFE macros reside in the SystemFE database. All macros that have Fromdate and Todate as parameters use inclusive dates. The default value for Todate is DATE (the current date).
You can use SystemFE macros to quickly produce reports relevant to system messages stored in the DBC.SW_Event_Log.
Teradata recommends that you use character dates as opposed to numeric dates for producing reports.
Recommended format: 'YYYY-MM-DD'
For example, for May 31, 2013 input '2013-05-31'
Format not recommended: (YYYY-1900) *10000+ m*100+d
For example, for May 31, 2013, 1130531 is correct but not recommended.
For more information on using character format and numeric format, see Teradata Vantage™ - Data Types and Literals, B035-1143.
For additional resources to consult for any problem or proactive health check activity, as well as advice on when to delete system messages from the DBC.SW_Event_Log, see Analyzing Preventive Maintenance Reports.
If you do not have the SystemFE macros installed on your system, open Database Window (DBW). Then, run the Database Initialization Program (DIP) utility from the Supervisor window and select the SQL script file DIPSYSFE. For Teradata session mode CDS macros, select SQL script file DIPPOST and for ANSI session mode CDS macros, select SQL script file DIPANSI.
For information on DBW and the DIP utility, see Teradata Vantage™ - Database Utilities, B035-1102.