Retrying a Failed Statement - System Emulation Tool

Teradata System Emulation Tool User Guide

System Emulation Tool
Release Number
May 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
Use this procedure only if the logged-on user has permission to grant privileges or a System Administrator is present to grant privileges. See Ignoring Missing Access Privileges.
  1. When the Grant access privilege dialog box appears, displaying the missing-access-privilege information, click Failed Statement to view the SQL causing the error.
  2. Click Retry to retry the failed statement when the required access privileges have been granted using a application other than Teradata SET.
  3. [Optional] In the Grant Statement box, enter the grant statement with the missing access privileges.
    If the Grant Statement box is left empty, Teradata SET automatically generates the grant statement with the required access privileges.

    Select the Grant missing access rights without prompting check box to grant further missing privileges without prompting the Grant access privilege dialog box.

  4. Select the Submit grant statement from administrator’s session check box.

    A dialog box appears, allowing entry of logon information. Which dialog box appears depends on the connectivity type in use.

  5. Enter logon information:
    • For ODBC connectivity, enter logon information in the Select a Data Source dialog box.
    • For CLI connectivity, enter logon information in the Connect to Teradata Database dialog box.
      The user ID entered must have the right to grant access privileges.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Click Grant to grant the missing access privilege.