Review Object to Deploy Properties - Teradata Unity

Teradata® Unity™ User Guide

Teradata Unity
Release Number
May 2019
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
The Review Objects to Deploy shows the following tabs:
  • Undeployable Objects Tab
  • Missing Object Actions Tab
  • Dependencies Tab
  • Change List Tab

Undeployable Objects Tab

The Undeployable Objects tab shows which selections must be cleared before the data dictionary can deploy.

Field Description
Database Database name where the object is located.
Object Object name.
Type Object type.
System System name.
Dictionary Dictionary name.
Reason The reason the object is undeployable.
Missing Object Database The missing related database name.
Missing Object The missing related object name.
Missing Object Type The type of missing object.
Missing Object System System name where the missing object is located.
Recommendation Message indicating the recommended action.
Additional Information Lock information for the object, where lock type W indicates writes and R indicates reads.

Missing Object Actions Tab

The Missing Object Actions tab shows which objects need object locks manually assigned. To manually assign locking actions, select the object and view details. From the details view, select or change the locking actions.
Field Description
System Teradata system name where the object is located.
Database Database name where the object is located.
Object Object name.
Explanation Message indicating the issue.

Dependencies Tab

The Dependencies tab shows actions for objects in the data dictionary. From this tab you can:
  • Review or change actions
  • Add or remove read and write references to tables for stored procedures, views, triggers, and macros
Field Description
System Teradata system name where the object is located.
Database Database name where the object is located.
Object Object name.
Explanation Message indicating action.

Change List Tab

The Change List tab shows which changes are made to the data dictionary after deployment.
Field Description
System Teradata system name where the change will take place.
Database Database name where the object that is changing resides.
Object The name of the object that is changing.
Description Message indicating action.
Details Change description for the object.