Usage Notes - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantage™

The QryLogStepsV view of DBQLStepTbl is populated if you specify the WITH STEPINFO option. When the query completes, the system logs one row for each query step, including parallel steps.


The CPUTimeNorm calculation is made for each PE in the system. It is used for systems with processors where each node may have CPUs with different scaling factors.


This column is NULL for static plans only.



  • The MRM (Merge Row Multiple) or EXE (MultiLoad) steps, RowCount is the number of rows inserted.
  • All other steps, RowCount is the actual number of rows the step returns (indicating activity count). For a PRPD plan split step, RowCount includes the rows from all split spools.
    If “split into” appears in the EXPLAIN of a RETRIEVE or JOIN step, the database is using PRPD.

If the row count for a step is 18,446,744,073,709,551,615, the number is logged in the RowCount column as 1.8446744073709552e+19.

The value formatted as a decimal value is 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 due to float arithmetic.



  • The MRM (Merge Row Multiple) or EXE (MultiLoad) steps, RowCount2 is the number of updated rows.
  • An LFI (FastLoad) step, RowCount2 is the number of rows loaded.
  • A PRPD plan split step, RowCount2 is the actual number of rows in the skew split spool.



  • The EXE (MultiLoad) step, RowCount3 is the number of rows deleted.
    For the number of rows inserted by the EXE step, see RowCount. For the number of rows updated by the EXE step, see RowCount2.
  • A PRPD plan split step, RowCount3 is the actual number of rows in the skew match split spool.

Possible Values for InMemBulkQualStatus

Field Value Value in DBQL XMLPLAN Description
0 NoBulk Bulk qualification is disabled.
1 Bulk Bulk qualification is enabled without a condition. For a JIN step, bulk qualification is enabled on both the right and left join tables.
2 BulkWC Bulk qualification is enabled with a condition. For a JIN step, bulk qualification is enabled on both the right and left join tables.
3 LeftBulk
  • Left join table: Bulk qualification is enabled without a condition.
  • Right join table: No bulk qualification.
4 LeftBulkWC
  • Left join table: Bulk qualification is enabled with a condition.
  • Right join table: No bulk qualification.
5 RightBulk
  • Left join table: No bulk qualification.
  • Right join table: Bulk qualification is enabled without a condition.
6 RightBulkWC
  • Left join table: No bulk qualification.
  • Right join table: Bulk qualification is enabled with a condition.
7 LeftBulkRightBulkWC
  • Left join table: Bulk qualification is enabled without a condition.
  • Right join table: Bulk qualification is enabled with a condition.
8 LeftBulkWCRightBulk
  • Left join table: Bulk qualification is enabled with a condition.
  • Right join table: Bulk qualification is enabled without a condition.

Field values 1 and 2 are applicable for Retrieve, Sum, and Join steps. In the case of a Join step, these values represent the bulk status of both the left and right source.

Field values 3 through 8 are applicable for only the Join step.

Possible Values for NumCombinedPartitions

The value of the NumCombinedPartitions column is non-zero only if:

  • There is static partition elimination for the step (for a query submitted to Teradata Database 14.0 or later, or Teradata Vantage Advanced SQL Engine 16.20 or later).
  • A source table has column partitions.

Otherwise, the NumCombinedPartitions column is NULL.

Possible Values for StepStatus

Value Description
Dispatched Step was dispatched to the AMP.
AMPExec Step was executed in the AMP.
AMPOkay Step completed okay in the AMP.
AMPerror Step failed in the AMP and returned an error.
AMPReqAB Step aborted in the AMP for request abort.
AMPTxnAB Step aborted in the AMP for transaction abort.
Completed Step completed by the dispatcher.
Skipped Conditional step was skipped by the dispatcher.

Possible Values for TriggerKind

  • BegLoop 
  • FetchQualRows
  • BldUsingRow
  • GetActvCnt
  • IdColWithRowTrig
  • SkipQualRows
  • EndLoop