Step Descriptions - Advanced SQL Engine - Teradata Database

Data Dictionary

Advanced SQL Engine
Teradata Database
Release Number
January 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

The steps reflected in the DBQLStepTbl are generated by the database to execute a query. They may not always coincide with steps seen in the Explain because some steps are for internal use only.

The following table lists the possible logged step names and their meanings.

Step Internal Name Description
44-3 Performance Monitor spoil step
AAB Asynchronous abort of a DBC/SQL request
ALT Insert target and originating table IDs into the HUT Control Segment for a Logon Sequence Number
BIL Begin isolated loading
BLC Block-level compress/uncompress
BMSMS Bit map set manipulations such as intersect and union
CIX Create secondary index
CkNPK Check N parent keys
CKP Checkpoint database
CRI Create reference index
CSSUM Collect Statistics aggregate operations (this step is now obsolete)
CSUPD Collect Statistics update
Ctb Create table header
CTRts Create table privileges
CWD Check workload step
DBQLDC DBQL data collection
DEL Delete row
DELQT Delete row from queue table
DIRI Drop inconsistent reference index
DIX Delete secondary index
DJT Delete journal table
DRI Delete reference index
DRIDR Delete RID Row
DSPRET Dispatcher retrieve step
DTB Drop table
DTmp Delete temporary tables
EDM Prepare for deblocker/application task (DML)
EDR End request
Edt End transaction
EED Prepare MLOAD work tables
EEN END edit step
EFE End FastExport
EIL End isolated loading
EIXSUM Collect EIX statistics aggregate operations
EIXUPD Collect EIX statistics update
EPF End plan fragment; the presence of this step indicates the end of a plan fragment for a dynamic plan
ERE Release MLOAD work tables
ESD Data acquisition
ESR Sort MLOAD work tables
EVT Create event table row
EXE Execute edit
ExecSP Execute Stored Procedure
ExpHR Export Horizontal Redistribution step
ExpRL Export Release Locks Step
ExpVR Export Vertical Redistribution step
Fail Operation did not work
FCF Forward configuration
FDS Flush DBSpace accounting table entry
FLGRI Flag reference index
Hcs Add table record info and privileges into the Hut Control Segment for a Logon Sequence Number
HLA High-Level Large Object Access
HUL Host utility set lock
ILR Contain access log entries
INS Insert a row
INSLDC Insert Deferred Lob Constant
INSQT Insert a row to a queue table
InvJHI Invalidate Join/Hash index
JIN Join
JTmp Journal temporary tables
LCM Load config map
LobFet Large object fetch
LogAOf Logging for online archive off
LogAOn Logging for online archive on
LOT Large object transport
LOT2VM Forward LOT to Virtual Mailbox
MDT Merge delete tables
MiIns Merge-Into insert
MiRet Merge-Into retrieve

There is a Merge-Into table reference in a RET (that is, retrieve) query.

MiUpd Merge-Into update
MLK Multi-Lock: several LCK Messages in one
MRD Merge delete two tables based on row hash code
MRG Merge two tables based on row hash code
MRL Merge utility locks
MRU Merge update
MRM Merge Row Multiple Operations Step
MTB Modify table. To modify the table internally, the table header must also be modified
MTH Modify table header
MTmp Materialize temporary tables
MVN Modify version number in table header
NEXTOK It is okay to send the next step
OAR One AMP reply
Okay Operation worked
OKELCT Send StpOKElicitData message to notify Dispatcher that it is fine to send next step within the same request. It is required to prevent deadlocks and serve as a form of flow control.
PFN Process function
PKA Prime key abort
PRELOB InsPreLob step
QryLgn Query logon on step
RAE Remove abort entry from TOABORT list
RET Retrieve row
RSF Release spool files
SAMP Perform sampling from table/spool
SAT Synchronous abort test step from DBC/SQL statement
SMS Set manipulations such as intersect, union, minus
Spl004 Dictionary data spoil step for role
Spl011 Dictionary data spoil step for security constraint
Spl012 Stats cache spoil step
SplDB Spoil database information in Data Dictionary
SplFL DBQL cache flush spoil step
SplOUC Object use count spoil step
SplPSC Spoil Parser session information
SplQL Spoil the DBQL Rule cache
SplRTS Spoil Stored Procedure cache information
SplTAB Spoil Table information in Data Dictionary
SQB Set Query_Band
SQL SQL step for Request Text storage
SRD Sort a table
STATFN Perform statistical functions
StpRLK Release lock
SUM Perform local aggregate operations
TRET Trigger retrieve step
UPD Update row
UpsIns Upsert insert
UpsUpd Upsert update
VJT Validate journal table
VRQ 2PC vote step
Warn Warning response
YCM Ynet conclude merge
YPM Ynet prepare merge