Specifying Subqueries in Search Conditions - Teradata Database

SQL Data Manipulation Language

Teradata Database
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata® Database

Specifying Subqueries in Search Conditions


Permits a more sophisticated and detailed query of a database through the use of nested SELECT queries.

Syntax : IN, NOT IN, ANY, SOME, and ALL Logical Predicates



Syntax element …

Specifies …


any valid SQL expression.

To specify multiple expressions, enclose them within PARENTHESIS characters and separate each expression with a COMMA character.


any valid SQL comparison operator.

See SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions, and Predicates for information about the SQL comparison operators.

IN (in_list)

NOT IN (in_list)

that expression is either IN or NOT IN the parenthetically delimited list of values.

See SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions, and Predicates for information about the IN and NOT IN logical predicates and the valid expressions that you can specify in an in_list.


the ANY logical quantifier.

See SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions, and Predicates for more information about the ANY logical quantifier.


the SOME logical quantifier.

See SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions, and Predicates for more information about the SOME logical quantifier.


the ALL logical quantifier.

See SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions, and Predicates for more information about the ALL logical quantifier.


any valid SQL subquery.

Syntax : EXISTS Logical Expression



Syntax element …

Specifies …


the EXISTS () logical quantifier.

See SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions, and Predicates for details.


any valid SQL subquery.

ANSI Compliance

Subqueries are ANSI SQL:2011-compliant.

Specifying Subqueries in an SQL DML Statement

The rules and restrictions are:

  • You can specify up to 64 levels of nesting of subqueries. Each subquery can specify a maximum of 128 tables or single‑table views.
  • This limit is established using the DBS Control record flag MaxParseTreeSegs. The value for MaxParseTreeSegs must be set to 256 or higher define an upper limit of 64 subquery nesting levels.

    See Utilities: Volume 1 (A-K) for information about how to change the MaxParseTreeSegs setting in the DBS Control record.

  • Subqueries in search conditions cannot contain SELECT AND CONSUME statements.
  • Subqueries in search conditions cannot specify the TOP n operator.
  • Example : Simple Subquery Using the IN Logical Predicate

    This example selects the names and department locations of those employees who report to manager Aguilar (whose employee number is 10007).

         SELECT name, loc 
         FROM employee, department 
         WHERE employee.dept_no = department.dept_no 
         AND   employee.dept_no IN (SELECT dept_no
                                    FROM department 
                                    WHERE mgr_no = 10007);

    Example : Simple Subquery Using an AVG Aggregate Expression

    The following SELECT statement finds every employee in the employee table with a salary that is greater than the average salary of all employees in the table.

         SELECT name, dept_no, jobtitle, salary
         FROM employee 
         WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary)
                         FROM employee) 
         ORDER BY name;

    The statement returns this results table.


    Example : Simple Subquery Using the ALL Logical Predicate

    The following SELECT statement retrieves the employees with the highest salary and the most years of experience:

         SELECT emp_no, name, job_title, salary, yrs_exp 
         FROM employee 
         WHERE (salary,yrs_exp) >= ALL (SELECT salary,yrs_exp
                                        FROM employee);

    The query returns this many rows …

    WHEN this condition evaluates to TRUE …


    employees with the highest salary do not also have the most years experience.


    there is only one employee with the highest salary and years experience.


    there is more than one employee with the highest salary and years experience.

    For the current data in the employee table, the result looks like this:

         EmpNo Name      JobTitle     Salary  YrsExp
         ----- --------- --------- --------- -------
         10018 Russell S President 65,000.00      25

    The result shows that one employee has both the highest salary and the most years of experience.

    Example : Subquery Using the SUM and COUNT Aggregate Functions

    The following statement uses a nested ordered analytical function and a HAVING clause to find those items that appear in the top 1 percent of profitability in more than 20 stores:

        SELECT item, COUNT(store)
        FROM (SELECT store,item,profit,QUANTILE(100,profit) AS percentile
              FROM (SELECT ds.store, it.item, SUM(sales)-
                  COUNT(sales) * it.item_cost AS profit
                  FROM daily_sales AS ds, items AS it
                  WHERE ds.item = it.item
                  GROUP BY ds.store, it.item, it.item_cost) AS item_profit
              GROUP BY store, item, profit
              QUALIFY percentile = 0) AS top_one_percent
        GROUP BY item
        HAVING COUNT(store) >= 20;

    The results of this query might look like this:

                  Item  Count(Store)
         ----------------  ------------
         Chilean sea bass           99
         Mackerel                  149
         Tako                      121
         Herring                   120
         Salmon                    143

    Example : Subqueries Using the RANK Functions and QUALIFY Clauses

    The following example uses nested RANK functions and QUALIFY clauses to report the top 100 items by profitability and the top items by revenue, matching those that appear in both lists using an OUTER JOIN:

         SELECT *
         FROM (SELECT item, profit, RANK(profit) AS profit_rank
               FROM item, sales
               QUALIFY profit_rank <= 100 AS p)
              (SELECT item, revenue, RANK(revenue) AS revenue_rank
               FROM item, sales
               QUALIFY revenue_rank <= 100 AS r)
         ON p.item = r.item;

    The results of this query might look something like the following table:


    For More Information

    For more information related to simple subqueries, see:

  • “Correlated Subqueries” on page 134
  • “Scalar Subqueries” on page 142
  • “QUALIFY Clause” on page 168
  • SQL Functions, Operators, Expressions, and Predicates