Installing the DSC Software Package - Data Stream Architecture - Data Stream Utility

Data Stream Utility Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Guide for Customers

Data Stream Architecture
Data Stream Utility
Release Number
August 2017
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities
DSA Package Installation Directory Notes
DSC /opt/Teradata/client/version/dsa You cannot change the installation directory.
  1. If this is an upgrade, follow these steps first:
    1. Back up the DSC repository.
    2. Verify the existing DSC server is accessible in the BAR Setup portlet. See Adding a DSC Server.
  2. On the BAR server, unzip and extract the script rpm file:
    tar zxvf DSC_linux_arch.xx.xx.xx.xx-######.tar.gz
    linux is the OS version, arch is the architecture, xx.xx.xx.xx is the version number, and ###### is a unique number.
    A directory with the format DSC.xx.xx.xx.xx is extracted in the current working directory.
  3. Run the installation script from the extracted directory, where arch is the architecture, xx.xx.xx.xx is the version number, and ###### is a unique number.
    ./dscinstall -r DSC-xx.xx.xx.xx-######.arch.rpm
  4. Enter values for the DSC component. If you are doing an upgrade, the previous settings are displayed and can be changed.

    The following table displays prompts in the order they are received.

    DSC Prompts Description and Default Values
    ActiveMQ Broker URL Hostname or IP address of the machine running the ActiveMQ broker. Default: localhost
    ActiveMQ Broker Port Port number on the server where the JMS broker is listening (61616 for tcp, 61617 for ssl). Default: 61616
    ActiveMQ Connection Type of ActiveMQ connection (tcp or ssl). Default: tcp
    DBS Host Name Name of the Teradata Database host where the DSC repository resides. Default: Host name of the current server
    DBS IP Address IP Address of the Teradata Database system where the DSC repository resides. No default.
    DBS Superuser Name Teradata Database user used to create the DSC repository. The space to create the BAR and BARBACKUP databases is allocated from this user.
    DBS Superuser Password Password associated with the Superuser Name.
    Size for BAR The MaxPerm of the BAR database that holds the repository. Default: 400 GB. Acceptable values are 1 GB to 800 GB.
    DBS Admin Username Name of a user that to be used for repository jobs and who has the ability to create tables under BAR and BARBACKUP databases. No default.
    DBS Admin Password Password associated with the Teradata repository database user "DBS Admin". No default.
    BAR Password Password for the BAR database user. Used for create, read, update, and delete operations on the BAR database, which contains information for operational jobs.
    BARBACKUP Password Password for the BARBACKUP database user. Used for create, read, update, and delete operations on the BARBACKUP database, which contains information for repository jobs.
    Unique DSC Name Nickname for this DSC. Used to differentiate this DSC from other DSCs in the portlets.
    If this is an upgrade and you change the name of an existing DSC server, you must rerun the repository backup after the upgrade. See Backing Up the DSC Repository and Configuration When Upgrading.
    Viewpoint URL Hostname of the Viewpoint server.
    Viewpoint port Port number on the Viewpoint server. Default: 80
    Viewpoint type Type of connection used, http or https. Default: http
    CAM environment clustered Specifies whether the CAM environment is clustered.
    Primary CAM URL Primary hostname or IP address for CAM communication, which enables alert messaging.
    Failover CAM URL Failover hostname or IP address for CAM communication.
    CAM port Port number for CAM communication, which enables alert messaging.
    Port for the DSARest web service Port number for the DSAREST web service. Default: 9090
    Account for running DSC Username to set up an account for running the DSC services. Applicable to an install only, not an upgrade. Default: dscuser.
    UserId Userid of the dscuser, and is applicable only for NFS mounted storage targets. This ID must match the anonuid configured in the NFS server. The userid must also be the same across all DSA components and servers in the environment. Applicable to an install only, not an upgrade.
  5. For tdactivemq 5.13.1 and later: after installing the DSC package, run this script to adjust the tdactivemq parameters to optimize memory utilization:
    cd $DSA_DSC_ROOT
  6. Add the DSC Server in the BAR Setup portlet.