Details Views - Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Workload Management

Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide

Teradata Viewpoint
Teradata Workload Management
Release Number
July 2021
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
The Alerts view contains the following details views:
Alert Details by Severity
View the alert details filtered by severity, including the timestamp, alert type, alert name, and source.
Alert Details for an Alert
View the alert details for the selected alert, including the type, source, severity, and any relevant messages.
You can filter the alerts by severity, time period, type, or name. You can also combine the filters to narrow the results further.
Severity Filter Bar
Displays a count of the alerts for each severity. Click any severity in the bar to change the displayed data in the summary table to show only the alerts of that severity.
Last 1 hour Sets the time period for the alerts in the Severity Filter Bar.
Shows only rows that match your filter criteria.
Summary Table
Displays summary information about alerts in columns. The current view is configured in the Columns dialog box. The view is refreshed every 30 seconds. Click a row in the table to see details.
Table Actions
Clear Filters removes any content in the filter boxes.
Configure Columns allows you to choose the columns to display and set thresholds.
Changing the Configure Columns settings on one system changes the settings on all systems.
Export creates a .csv file containing all available data. If filters are used, only filtered data is exported.
Hide Alerts enables you to select and hide alerts so that they are no longer displayed in the summary list. Hidden alerts can be viewed and then displayed again in the summary list.
Show Details
Shows the Alert Details for an Alert view.
Hide Details
Hides the Alert Details for an Alert view.