AMP Worker Task Columns | ResUsageSawt Table | Teradata Vantage - TASM: AMP Worker Task Columns - Analytics Database - Teradata Vantage

Resource Usage Macros and Tables

Analytics Database
Teradata Vantage
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

These columns report statistics about the AMP Worker Tasks.

Column Name Mode Description Data Type
Available track Number of unreserved AMP Worker Tasks from the pool that are not being used at the end of the interval.

For example, if 12 of the normally 56 unreserved AMP Worker Tasks are removed from the pool by reserving them for expedited work, there could at most be 44 unreserved AMP Worker Tasks available. If in this log period, 10 unreserved AMP Worker Tasks are taken from the pool to service 10 queries that are still executing, there would be only 34 available at the end of the log period.

AvailableMin min Minimum number of unreserved AMP Worker Tasks available in the pool for each AMP for the logged period.

For example, a zero value means there were no unreserved AMP Worker Tasks available in the pool at some point during the reporting period.

AvailableForWork00 track Unused limit of AWTs for work type 00 at end period. For example, if the limit is 50 AWTs for work type 00, and 4 AWTs are in use for work type 00, this field contains (50-4) = 46. FLOAT
AvailableForWork08 track Unused limit of AWTs for work type 08 at end period. For example, if the limit is 50 AWTs for work type 08, and 4 AWTs are in use for work type 08, this field contains (50-4) = 46. FLOAT
AvailableForWork00Min min The minimum value of AvailableForWork00 over the entire period. FLOAT
AvailableForWork08Min min The minimum value of AvailableForWork08 over the entire period. FLOAT
AWTsConfigured const Current setting for AMP Worker Task (for example, 80, 100, or so on) in the DBS Control MaxLoadAWT field. For more information, see information about MaxLoadAWT in Teradata Vantageā„¢ - Database Utilities, B035-1102. FLOAT
FlowControlled track Specifies if an AMP is in flow control. If the value is non-zero, the AMP is in flow control.

Resource usage indicates flow control on work mailbox name 2-11 only. Work mailbox name 2-11 is the incoming mailbox for AMPs, where 2 is the mailbox number and 11 is the AMP Worker Task partition.

However, resource usage indicates flow control on work mailbox name 2-11 for all work types. For example, if any work type is in flow control, the system is in flow control.

FlowCtlCnt count Number of times during the log period that the system entered the flow control state from a non-flow controlled state. FLOAT
FlowCtlTime count Total time, in milliseconds, that an AMP is in flow control. FLOAT
InuseMax max Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at any one time during the log period. FLOAT
MailBoxDepth track Current depth of the AMP work mailbox at the end of the period. FLOAT
UnReservedAwtPoolSize const Total number of AWTs in the unreserved AWT pool.  
WorkTypeInuse00 -WorkTypeInuse15 track Current number of AMP Worker Tasks in use during the log period for each work type for the VprId vproc.
The WorkTypeInuse04 column value is always at least 1 due to the internal database design for the Control AMP rows in the ResUsageSawt table.
WorkTypeMax00 - WorkTypeMax15 max Maximum number of AMP Worker Tasks in use at one time during the log period for each work type for the VprId vproc.

In Summary Mode, the WorkTypeMax column values are the Max of the values for all the AMPS.

WorkTypeAWTExhausted00 - WorkTypeAWTExhausted15 count Number of times a work message cannot be assigned to an AWT. This is caused when no AWT is available in the available pool, or when the number of AWTS in use for the work type reaches its limits. FLOAT