These columns return the number of blocks marked as contiguous writable, the total size of data blocks marked for contiguous writes, and the number of I/Os on blocks marked for contiguous write.
Column Name | Mode | Description | Data Type |
FileContigWIos | count | Number of I/Os completed on data blocks that were marked for contiguous write. You can get the average number of data blocks combined into a single I/O by using the calculation: FileContigWBlocks / FileContigWIos |
FileContigWBlocks | count | Number of data blocks marked for contiguous write. Data blocks created using the contiguous write scheme are accumulated in the cache until the optimal I/O size, the end of the cylinder, or the end of the data created has been reached. At such a point, the blocks will be written with a single I/O and removed from the cache. |
FileContigWKB | count | Total size, in KB, of the data blocks that were marked for contiguous write. You can get the average size of the writes that were candidates for being combined into one single I/O by using the calculation: FileContigWKB /FileContigWBlocks |