TASM: Work Type Descriptions - Analytics Database - Teradata Vantage

Resource Usage Macros and Tables

Analytics Database
Teradata Vantage
Release Number
June 2022
Product Category
Teradata Vantageā„¢

The WorkTypeInuse and WorkTypeMax array data columns above each contain 16 Work Type entries that are described here. For example, WorktypeInuse00 contains the number of in use AMP Worker Tasks that are of Work Type MSGWORKNEW, and WorktypeInuse01 contains the values for MSGWORKONE.

These columns allow you to monitor the usage of the AMP Worker Tasks of each work type. This can be used to determine:
  • If the usage is close to the maximum values defined.
  • What type of work the AMP Worker Tasks are doing.
  • Characteristics of the system during skew conditions or when there are AMP Worker Task shortages.

Use the tdntune utility to determine the settings for Flow Control. For information on Expedited Allocation Groups, see Teradata Vantageā„¢ - Database Utilities, B035-1102.

Column Name Mode Description Data Type
MSGWORKNEW n/a Used for new work requests. This work type has the lowest number, which means it is queued last. It also has the effect of honoring secondary requests needed to complete existing work items before any new ones are started.

A zero value is used for new work items.

MSGWORKONE n/a First level secondary work items. Numbered work types are used for secondary work items. For example, work type one (MSGWORKONE) is used for secondary work requests spawned by new work items; work type two (MSGWORKTWO) requests are spawned from work type one requests and queued for delivery before work type one requests; and so on. Each numbered work type is queued for delivery just before the one from which it is spawned. n/a
MSGWORKTWO n/a Second level secondary work items. n/a
MSGWORKTHREE n/a Special types of database work. n/a
MSGWORKFOUR n/a Start System Recover. n/a
MSGWORKFIVE n/a Reports new work for utilities, such as FastLoad, MultiLoad, and FastExport if utilities are configured to use a separate pool of work types.
This column is not normally used and the MSGWORKNEW, MSGWORKONE, and MSGWORKTWO columns report work requests for utilities.
MSGWORKSIX n/a First level secondary work spawned work for utilities such as FastLoad, MultiLoad, and FastExport. If the utilities are not configured to use a separate pool of work types, they use MSGWORKNEW, MSGWORKONE, and MSGWORKTWO. n/a
MSGWORKSEVEN n/a Second level secondary work for utilities such as FastLoad, MultiLoad, and FastExport. If the utilities are not configured to use a separate pool of work types, they use MSGWORKNEW, MSGWORKONE, and MSGWORKTWO. n/a
MSGWORKEIGHT n/a New work for Expedited Allocation Groups. n/a
MSGWORKNINE n/a First level spawned work for Expedited Allocation Groups. n/a
MSGWORKTEN n/a Second level spawned work for Expedited Allocation Groups. n/a
MSGWORKELEVEN n/a Not used. n/a
MSGWORKABORT n/a Used for transaction abort requests. This work type has a higher value than the numbered work types so that abort requests are honored before beginning any additional work item for the transactions being aborted.

The array number for MSGWORKABORT is 12.

MSGWORKSPAWN n/a Used for spawned abort requests and is delivered before normal aborts.

The array number for MSGWORKSPAWN is 13.

MSGWORKNORMAL n/a Used for messages that do not fall within the standard work type hierarchy. This work type is delivered before any of the work items described earlier.

The array number for MSGWORKNORMAL is 14.

MSGWORKCONTROL n/a Used for system control messages. These are delivered before any other kind of message.

The array number for MSGWORKCONTROL is 15.
