This example illustrates how a single siteno value can be stored in a persistent database table using an INSERT ... SELECT statement.
The examples use a sample river flow data set. To use your own data, replace the table and column names, and authorization object. See Variable Substitutions for Examples for the credentials and location values for the sample data set.
- To run NOS-related commands, log on to the database as a user with the required privileges.
- If it does not exist, create the foreign table or ask your database administrator to create the foreign table. See Setting Up to Run Examples.
- In this example, data from a single site number is loaded into the database. Create the permanent table to store the external data:
CREATE TABLE perm_table_name ( columnX data_type ,columnY data_type ,columnZ data_type ,columnN data_type ) PRIMARY INDEX (columnN);
- Insert the external data into the database table:
INSERT INTO perm_table_name SELECT columnX, columnY, ...columnN WHERE columnN = value FROM table_name;
Example: Loading External Data into the Database Using INSERT ... SELECT
Create the permanent table to store external data:
CREATE TABLE RiverFlowPermInsert ( SiteNo INTEGER ,Flow DECIMAL(3,2) ,GageHeight DECIMAL(3,2) ,Precipitation DECIMAL(3,2) ,datetime TIMESTAMP(0) FORMAT'Y4-MM-DDBHH:MI' ,GageHeight2 DECIMAL(3,2) ) PRIMARY INDEX (SiteNo);
Insert the external data FROM the foreign table into the permanent database table. If the foreign table does not exist, create it first. See Setting Up to Run Examples.
INSERT INTO RiverFlowPermInsert SELECT site_no, Flow, GageHeight, Precipitation, datetime, GageHeight2 WHERE site_no = 9474000 FROM riverflow;
Query the data from the database table:
SELECT TOP 2 * FROM RiverFlowPermInsert;
Your result will be similar to the following:
SiteNo 9474000 Flow .80 GageHeight 3.51 Precipitation .00 datetime 2018-07-26 01:00 GageHeight2 6.66 SiteNo 9474000 Flow .80 GageHeight 3.51 Precipitation .00 datetime 2018-07-26 00:30 GageHeight2 6.66
The output is displayed vertically for readability.