You should always keep a backup copy of the cluster information in a directory. This information can be valuable if you encounter issues during KubeKit installation.
Treat the backup file with great care because it contains credentials for the cluster you created.
Run the export command:
$ kubekit get env appcenter export KUBECONFIG=/Users/foo/.kubekit.d/clusters/f355ee04-8f79-4f43-53b1-700196970a48/certificates/kubeconfig # Run this command to configure your shell: # eval "$(kubekit get env appcenter)"
Run one of the following backup commands, without certificates/kubeconfig:
Available Utility Command TAR $ tar cvfz myclustername-backup.tgz /Users/foo/.kubekit.d/clusters/f355ee04-8f79-4f43-53b1-700196970a48/
ZIP $ zip -r /Users/foo/.kubekit.d/clusters/f355ee04-8f79-4f43-53b1-700196970a48/