Teradata Aster Alert Metrics and Properties | Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Aster Alert Metrics and Properties - Teradata Viewpoint - Teradata Workload Management

Teradata® Viewpoint User Guide

Teradata Viewpoint
Teradata Workload Management
Release Number
February 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
These metrics are available for Teradata Aster alerts. The associated property names allow you to customize alert actions in the Alert Setup portlet or customize the message in the Monitored Systems portlet.

Metrics for Node Alert Types

Metric Description Property Name
% Disk Full Percent of used disk space on the node. Includes user data, replica data, and system data percentFull
CPU Amount of available processing power used by the node cpuUse
Disk In Rate of disk traffic into the node in bytes per second diskWrite
Disk Out Rate of disk traffic out of the node in bytes per second diskRead
Memory Memory used on the node memUse
Network In Rate of network traffic into the node in bytes per second netIn
Network Out Rate of network traffic out of the node in bytes per second netOut
State State of the node status
Type Values for node types as follows:
  • Worker nodes hold the data and process the queries
  • Queen nodes manage the process, including the performance of the other nodes and delegation of queries
  • Loader nodes transfer data in and out of virtual workers

Metrics for Process Alert Types

Metric Description Property Name
Database Name of the database on which the process ran dbName
Duration How long the process ran processExecutionTime
User Name of the user who submitted the process userName

Metrics for System Alert Types

Metric Description Property Name
Active Processes Number of processes with active queries activeSessions
CPU Average node CPU use cpu
Memory Available amount of memory used by node memory
Node CPU Skew Comparison of CPU use on the busiest node to the average node nodeCpuSkew
Node I/O Skew Comparison of I/O use on the busiest node to the average node nodeIoSkew
Replication Factor Number of copies of user data replicationFactor

Metrics for System Health Alert Types

Metric Description Property Name
Health Name of the system health state health