Formatted Data - FastLoad

Teradata FastLoad Reference

Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

Formatted Data

Formatted data on network‑attached systems is input data that conforms to the format of data from a Teradata Database source, such as a BTEQ EXPORT file.

Each record has:

  • A two‑byte data length field
  • Optionally, a variable‑length indicator bytes field
  • A variable‑length input data field
  • A one‑byte end‑of‑record delimiter field
  • Table 1 lists the formatted record field descriptions.


    Table 1: Formatted Record Field Descriptions 

    Input Record Field


    Data length

    A twobyte field indicating the total length of the record, in bytes, excluding the first two bytes (this field), and the last byte (the endofrecord field)

    The data length must be specified as an explicit value, not an ASCII value. For a data length of one byte, for example, the specification must be hexadecimal 01. It cannot be hexadecimal 31, or the ASCII equivalent of the number 1.

    Indicator bytes

    Optional bytes to indicate null data

    Input data

    The actual input data for rows in the Teradata FastLoad table.

    The input data stream always starts at either:

  • The third byte of the record, if there are no optional indicator bytes
  • Immediately after the last optional indicator byte
  • The length of the input data field, less any optional indicator bytes, is as specified in the first two bytes.


    The endofrecord delimiter field can be either of two hexadecimal values:

  • 0A (line feed)
  • 0D (carriage return)