Use TIMESTAMP instead of TIME - Teradata Database

SQL Data Manipulation Language

Teradata Database
Release Number
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata® Database

Use TIMESTAMP instead of TIME

(column_1 INTEGER,
column_2 TIMESTAMP);

INSERT INTO table_2 SELECT * FROM table_1;

SELECT * FROM table_2
ORDER BY column_2;

column_1   column_2
--------   --------------------------
       0   2011-11-07 00:00:00.000000
       1   2011-11-07 01:00:00.000000
       2   2011-11-07 02:00:00.000000
       3   2011-11-07 03:00:00.000000
       4   2011-11-07 04:00:00.000000
       5   2011-11-07 05:00:00.000000
       6   2011-11-07 06:00:00.000000
       7   2011-11-07 07:00:00.000000
       8   2011-11-07 08:00:00.000000
       9   2011-11-07 09:00:00.000000
      10   2011-11-07 10:00:00.000000
      11   2011-11-07 11:00:00.000000
      12   2011-11-07 12:00:00.000000
      13   2011-11-07 13:00:00.000000
      14   2011-11-07 14:00:00.000000
      15   2011-11-07 15:00:00.000000
      16   2011-11-07 16:00:00.000000
      17   2011-11-07 17:00:00.000000
      18   2011-11-07 18:00:00.000000
      19   2011-11-07 19:00:00.000000
      20   2011-11-07 20:00:00.000000
      21   2011-11-07 21:00:00.000000
      22   2011-11-07 22:00:00.000000
      23   2011-11-07 23:00:00.000000

Different languages use different collation sequences, and you might need to alter your system collation to ensure that the ORDER BY clauses you specify in your queries sort correctly.

You can specify the default collation for a user using the CREATE USER or MODIFY USER statement, or you can specify collation for the duration of a session using the SET SESSION COLLATION statement. Otherwise, collation for a session is determined by the logon client system. The direction of the sort can be controlled by including the DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending) sort option in the SQL request.

Teradata Database supports ASCII, EBCDIC, and MULTINATIONAL collating sequences. If MULTINATIONAL is in effect, your collation will be one of the European (diacritical) or Kanji sort sequences described in “International Sort Orders” on page 212.

The following topics explain the results of ORDER BY as affected by whether character string expressions have the CASESPECIFIC or NOTCASESPECIFIC attribute.

If character strings are to be sorted NOT CASESPECIFIC, which is the default in Teradata session mode, only lowercase simple letters (for example, the characters a … z in the Latin alphabet) are converted to uppercase before a comparison or sorting operation is done.

The important thing to understood is that case differences are ignored in NOT CASESPECIFIC collations. In other words, the case of the characters is not critical for NOT CASESPECIFIC collation.

Any non-Latin single‑byte character, any multibyte character, and any byte indicating a transition between single‑byte characters and multibyte characters is excluded from this function.

If the character strings are to be sorted CASESPECIFIC, which is the default in ANSI session mode, then the case of the characters is critical for collation.

For Kanji1 character data in CASESPECIFIC mode, the letters in any alphabet that uses casing, such as Latin, Greek, or Cyrillic, are considered to be matched only if they are the identical letters and have the same case.

The system does not consider FULLWIDTH and HALFWIDTH characters to be matched whether in CASESPECIFIC or NOT CASESPECIFIC mode.

Teradata Database uses one of four server character sets to support Japanese characters:

  • Unicode
  • KanjiSJIS
  • Kanji1
  • Graphic
  • Notice:

    KANJI1 support is deprecated. KANJI1 is not allowed as a default character set. The system changes the KANJI1 default character set to the UNICODE character set. Creation of new KANJI1 objects is highly restricted. Although many KANJI1 queries and applications may continue to operate, sites using KANJI1 should convert to another character set as soon as possible.

    If you are at a Japanese character site and you want to ensure that sorting of character data is as close as possible to that of the client, you should set your session collation (see “SET SESSION COLLATION” in SQL Data Definition Language) as follows:

  • For character data stored on the Teradata platform as KanjiSJIS or Unicode, the best way to order the session character set is to use the CHARSET_COLL collation.
  • For character data stored on the Teradata platform as either KanjiSJIS or Unicode, the CHARSET_COLL collation provides the collation that is closest to sorting on the client.

  • The JIS_COLL collation also provides an adequate collation, and has the added virtue of providing the same collation no matter what the session character set is.
  • The CHARSET_COLL and JIS_COLL collation sequences are not designed to support Kanji1 character data.
  • For Kanji1 character data, the ASCII collation provides a collation similar to that of the client, assuming the session character set is KanjiSJIS_0S, KanjiEUC_0U, or something very similar. However, ASCII collation does not sort like the client if the data is stored on the Teradata platform using the ShiftJIS or Unicode server character sets.

  • Users under the KATAKANAEBCDIC, KANJIEBCDIC5026_0I, or KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I character sets who want to store their character data on the Teradata platform as Kanji1, and who want to collate in the session character set should install either KATAKANAEBCDIC, KANJIEBCDIC5026_0I, or KANJIEBCDIC5035_0I, respectively, at start-up time, and use MULTINATIONAL collation.
  • Note: Each character set requires a different definition for its MULTINATIONAL collation to collate properly.

    Teradata Database handles character data collation for the different Japanese server character sets as follows:

  • Under the KanjiEUC character set, the ss3 0x8F is converted to 0xFF. This means that a user-defined KanjiEUC codeset 3 are not ordered properly with respect to other KanjiEUC code sets. The order of other KanjiEUC code sets is proper (that is, ordering is the same as the binary ordering on the client system).
  • ASCII collation collates Kanji1 data in binary order, but handles case matching of single‑byte or HALFWIDTH Latin characters (see International Character Set Support for details). This matches collation on the client for KanjiSJIS_0S sessions, is close for KanjiEUC_0U, and is only reasonably close for double‑byte data for KanjiEBCDIC sessions. Note that KanjiEUC_0U puts code set 3 after code set 1 rather than before code set 1 as KanjiEBCDIC does.

  • For Kanji1 data, characters identified as multibyte characters remain in the client encoding and are collated based on their binary values. This explains why ASCII collation works for double‑byte characters in KanjiEBCDIC sessions.
  • Note that it is not true that multibyte Kanji1 characters remain in the client encoding for KanjiEUC_0U sessions.

    For details, see International Character Set Support and SQL Data Types and Literals.

    MULTINATIONAL collation is enabled at the user level via the COLLATION option of the CREATE USER or MODIFY USER statement. If a collation is not specified, the default is HOST; that is, the standard sort ordering of the client system (EBCDIC for IBM clients, ASCII for all others).

    You can override the default at the session level by issuing the SET SESSION COLLATION statement.

    When MULTINATIONAL collation is in effect, the default collation sequence is determined by the collation setting installed at system start-up. Also see International Character Set Support.

    Each international sort sequence is defined by program constants and no check is made to ensure that collation is compatible with the character set of the current session. The choice of sequence is controlled by your database administrator. The programmed character sequences cannot be changed.

    The sort order uses a two-level comparison that involves the following rules.

  • All lowercase letters are first mapped to their uppercase equivalents unless CASESPECIFIC is specified in the ORDER BY clause or was defined for the column being accessed.
  • In ANSI session mode, the default is CASESPECIFIC and you must explicitly specify NOT CASESPECIFIC to change this.

  • All diacritical forms of the same letter are given the value of the base letter; that is, Ä is given the value of A, Ö is given the value of O, and so forth.
  • If two strings produce the same value, the characters are further ordered according to their sort position in their diacritical equivalence class (see the table below).
  • Unless the query specifies the DESC sort option, collation is in ascending order.
  • For details, see SQL Data Types and Literals.

    When these rules are applied, the words “abbey,” “Active,” and “adage” are returned in this order,

         abbey       Active       adage

    and the names Muller, Handl, Böckh, Mueller, Händl, Bohr, Bock, and Müller are ordered as:

         Bock        Böckh        Bohr       Handl 
         Händl       Mueller      Muller     Müller 

    Equivalence classes and the ordering of diacritical characters in each class are shown in this table. The listed classes are those with characters that have diacritical forms.


    European Sort Order







    a     A

    à     À

    á     Á

    â     Â

    ã     Ã

    ä     Ä

    c     C

    ç     Ç

    e     E

    è     È

    é     É

    ê     Ê

    ë     Ë

    i     I

    ì     Ì

    í     Í

    î     Î

    ï     Ï

    n     N

    ñ     Ñ

    o     O

    ò     Ò

    ó     Ó

    ô     Ô

    õ     Õ

    ö     Ö

    o     O





    O slash

    A ring

    s     S


    u     U

    ù     Ù

    ú     Ú

    û     Û

    (U tilde)

    ü     Ü

    y     Y

    ÿ     Ÿ

    æ     Æ

    ø     Ø

    å     Å