Add a Teradata System | Teradata Query Service - Adding Teradata Systems - Teradata Query Service

Teradata® Query Service Installation, Configuration, and Usage Guide for Customers

Teradata Query Service
Release Number
April 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Analytical Ecosystem
Run the following sample request to add a Teradata system:
curl -k -X PUT 'https://<QS_HOSTNAME>:1443/systems/< systemName>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <ADMIN_TOKEN>' \
--data-raw '{
    "default_char_set": "ASCII",
    "default_database": "dbc",
    "default_transaction_mode": "DEFAULT",
    "log_mech": "DEFAULT",
    "host": "",
    "system_id": "",
    "system_type": "TERADATA"

The following table lists the available parameters:
Parameter Description
Encrypt data Use encryption when transferring to and from the Teradata Database.
Use X views Use X views when presenting metadata. X views are more secure, but may impact system performance.
Transaction mode Transaction mode for the connection (DEFAULT, ANSI, or TERA).
Default database Default database when logged in.
Character set Default character set for implicit sessions.
Query bands Key-value pairs to represent the query bands that is associated with each session.
Max idle time Amount of time, in minutes, that a session can remain idle before being automatically closed. This is the value used for implicit sessions and the default for explicit sessions.

Default value: 10 minutes

Valid range: 1-60 minutes

Max implicit sessions Maximum number of implicit sessions that a single user can have open at a time.

Default value: 5

Valid range: 0-100

Max explicit sessions Maximum number of explicit sessions that a single user can have open at a time.

Default value: 5

Valid range: 0-100

Max queued requests Maximum number of queued requests allowed per user.

Default value: 100

Valid range: 0-100000

Include or Exclude User List [Optional] Include or exclude access to the system for specified users.
For more information about the APIs, see Query Service Swagger API Documentation. You can download the document from the attachment in the left sidebar.