Users can store certain Teradata PT attributes using Teradata Wallet, which protects the attributes in encrypted form so that only the owning user can access them.
After an attribute is stored, you can use Teradata Wallet to retrieve the stored attribute using a string name.
For example, to specify the option for the Password attribute in a Teradata PT job using Teradata Wallet, use the following syntax:
VARCHAR UserPassword = '"$tdwallet(password alias)"'
where password alias is the string name that contains the value for the stored password as shown in the following example:
VARCHAR UserPassword = '"$tdwallet(MyPassword)"'
You can only use the Teradata Wallet for the following attributes:
- UserName
- UserPassword
- LogonMechData
You cannot use Teradata Wallet to store values for any other attributes.
For information on Teradata Wallet, see Teradata Vantage™ - Analytics Database Security Administration, B035-1100.