Evaluating a Completed Teradata PT Easy Loader Job|TPT Easy Loader - Evaluating a Completed Teradata PT Easy Loader Job - Parallel Transporter

Teradata® Parallel Transporter User Guide - 17.20

Parallel Transporter
Release Number
June 2022
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Tools and Utilities

You can evaluate a completed Teradata PT Easy Loader job just as you evaluate a Teradata PT job.

Procedure 1: Examine Exit Codes

Each Teradata PT job returns an exit code upon job completion, which indicates job success or failure.

  1. Examine the job exit code, which appears on the screen where you launched the job.
    Exit Code Description
    0 Completed successfully.
    4 Completed successfully, but issued one or more warnings.
    8 Terminated due to a user error, such as a syntax error.
    12 Terminated due to a fatal error.

    A fatal error is any error other than a user error.

  2. Determine whether or not further action is required.
    • If the exit code is 0, the job was successful and no further action is required.
    • If the exit code is 4, you can check the logs to examine the warnings and determine whether or not you should revise the area of the script that generated the warning to avoid a possible future failure.
    • If the exit code is 8 or 12, revise the script to correct the error.
  3. For jobs that return an exit code that requires examination of the job logs, see “Examine the Teradata PT Job Logs”.

Procedure 2: Examine the Teradata PT Job Logs

Examine the job logs to understand the details of how the job executed, what warnings were issued, and if the job failed, which errors caused the failure.

Types of Log Explanation
Console The console log displays messages in the Command window where the tbuild command was issued.

This log contains high-level information about Teradata PT operators and infrastructure. It updates continuously while the job runs.

Public The public log contains general information about the job. Use the tlogview command to access this log.
Private The private log contains job performance metadata and a log of the activities and errors for each operator defined in the job. Use the tlogview command to access this log.

Procedure 3: Examine the Teradata PT Error Tables, If Applicable

Error tables provide information on errors encountered while writing data to the database, as well as detailed information about errors initially presented in the job logs.

If you have set error tables as attributes in your job script, examine the error tables. There are two types of error tables.

Error Table Name of Table Explanation
1 Acquisition Exports constraint violations, bad data, and data conversion errors
2 Application Contains any rows that cause violations of the unique primary index, for instance, duplicate rows.

Reference Information

Information on... Is available in...
exit codes Post-Job Considerations
job steps Teradata PT Job Components
specifying checkpoint intervals Launching a Job
accessing public job logs and how to read them, including example logs Post-Job Considerations
accessing private job logs and how to read them, including example logs Post-Job Considerations
accessing the error tables and how to read them, including example tables Post-Job Considerations
the tdlogview command Accessing and Using Job Logs

See also “Teradata PT Utility Commands” in Teradata® Parallel Transporter Reference, B035-2436

strategies for evaluating a successful job Post-Job Considerations