When data is being written to the database, consumer operators can be set to allow the job to proceed even if some data cannot be loaded, using the ErrorLimit attribute. This attribute applies to the following operators:
- Load
- Stream
- Update
There may be various reasons why the data did not load, but it is often due to violations of the schema or data type requirements when the data was originally entered into the source files.
For more information, refer to the sections on Load, Stream, and Update operator errors in Troubleshooting.
Corrective Action:
- Examine the error tables for the operators to determine whether or not they contain any unprocessed data.
- Determine the reason the data did not load.
- Consider whether or not to correct the data errors in the source.
- In most cases, you need to clean up the bad data and load it into the database with a separate job.
- Consider whether or not to reset the ErrorLimit attribute to a lower value.