ARC1277 The perm space resize request for %s failed. %s
When doing a Restore, a user has the option of resizing the perm space for a target user or database as part of the restore process. This message will be displayed for each failed request. An attempt will also be made to display the reason for the failure at the end of the message. Examples of completed messages will look like: The perm space resize request for "<name>" failed. DB name not found on DBS. The perm space resize request for "<name>" failed. Invalid DB type.
For Whom:
End User.
Warning only.
A failure to resize a user/database will not cause the restore to abort, although the restore may fail at a later point as a consequence of the resize failure. If the restore succeeds, the user may be able to manually retry a failed user/database resize by using the Modify user or Modify database statement with a client tool such as BTEQ. If the restore failed, the best course of action will probably be to correct the resize error and then to rerun the entire restore.