A 9400 cabinet (Class 9400) can be added to Teradata platforms. It can be configured to contain Vantage nodes, cliques, or systems.
The following may also be installed:
- IntelliBase nodes
- One Teradata 680 system
- One Teradata 2800 system or one Teradata 2850 system (4+0 or 2+0 cliques)
- Channel servers (for use with the 680, 2800, or 2850)
- SAS HPA, 26 HDD TMS nodes
- R730 or R730xd TMSs, in a variety of models
- R740xd TMSs, in a variety of models
- BAR Hardware:
- Data Domain DD6800, DD6900, DD9300, or DD9400 System
- DS60 Expansion Shelves
- ES30 Expansion Shelves
- Quantum i3 Base/Expansion Tape Library
- SKM Key Management Server for Quantum Tape Library