Create Criterion to Qualify Customer | Vantage CX - Creating a Criterion That Uses Contact History to Qualify Customer - Vantage Customer Experience

Vantage Customer Experience User Guide

Vantage Customer Experience
Release Number
October 2023
English (United States)
Last Update
Product Category
Teradata Applications
Vantage CX maintains contact history information for the customer's current session and past sessions. Criteria can use the contact history to test for conditions that depend on the extension of specific messages to the customer or on specific responses received from the customer for messages extended in the current or previous sessions. For example, a criterion might test whether Offer A was extended in Channel A at least twice in the past seven days. Another example is a criterion that tests whether the customer positively responded with the response Accepted to Offer A in the current channel in the current session.
These criteria are often linked to individual messages.
  1. [Optional] When you initially define the criterion, select Message Only.
    Only message-only criteria have the Current Message option in the edit panel.
  2. Drag the Contact Selection function from the palette and drop it on the canvas.
    The editing panel opens to the History tab.
    Setting Value
    Channel The choices are any channel, the current channel, or any specific channel such as Web or Call Center.
    Message or Group Select Any message or Any group, or search for and then select either a message or a message group. If this criterion has been designated as a message-only criterion, then the Current Message option is also available.
    Contact Status The Contact Status extension and response choices (such as Extended and Not Positively Responded) span the past-session history that is saved in the contact history and the data in the current session. If you need to include the current session data in an Extended criterion, for example, you must add a criterion expression to the criterion you build. The session options (such as Served in This Session) use the data in the current session only.
    • Extended
    • Not Extended
    • Positively Responded
    • Not Positively Responded
    • Negatively Responded
    • Not Negatively Responded
    • No Response
    • Served in This Session: This setting applies to all the channels defined in Vantage CX that do not have Imply Extension selected. Served in this Session means that Vantage CX sent messages to the channel in response to the channel's request for targeted messages, but the fact that those messages have been extended to the customer is not implied by Vantage CX unless the channel explicitly sent that status back to Vantage CX. If the message has not been served, its status is responded.
    • Not Served in This Session
    • Extended in This Session: This setting applies to all the channels defined in Vantage CX that have Imply Extension selected, or to any channel that explicitly sent the Extended status to Vantage CX (for channel definitions where Imply Extension is not selected). Extended in this session means that Vantage CX sent messages to the channel in response to the channel's request for targeted messages, and the fact that those messages are extended to the customer is implied by Vantage CX.
    • Not Extended in This Session
    You must select Any Channel or a specific channel for the following options to be available: Served in This Session, Not Served in This Session, Extended in This Session, Not Extended in This Session.
    Not Positively/Not Negatively Responded and Positively/Negative Responded work like this; if the following parts of the criterion evaluate to true, then the entire criterion is false, while if the following parts of the criterion evaluate to false, the entire criterion is true:
    • Contact Status
    • Response
    • Condition
    • Frequency
    • Recency in Days
    The value of Frequency will vary, depending on the Contact Status:
    • When using an Extended or a response options (such as Positively Responded), frequency includes data from past-session history and the data in the current session.
    • When using session options (such as Served in this Session), frequency includes only the data in the current session.
  3. To define criteria that tests whether the customer has been presented this message at least once in the past seven days, specify the following:
    Setting Value
    Channel Any Channel
    Message Current Message
    Contact Status Extended
    Condition Is Less Than or Equal
    Frequency 1
    Recency in Days 7
  4. Select Apply.
  5. Save the criterion.