Using XML Data Type
Teradata Vantage™ - XML Data Type describes Teradata support for XML data, including the XML data type and the functions and methods available for processing, shredding, and publishing XML data.
Why Would I Use this Content?
Teradata Vantage™ provides the following support for storing and processing XML data:
- An XML data type that allows you to store XML content in a compact binary form that preserves the information set of the XML document
- Functions and methods on the XML type that support common XML operations like parsing, validation, transformation (XSLT) and Query (XPath and XQuery)
- The XQuery query language for querying and transforming XML content
- Stored procedures that allow you to publish the results of SQL queries in XML format
- Shredding functionality that allows you to extract values from XML documents and use them to update database tables
How Do I Use this Content?
First, get familiar with the XML Data Type. Then, determine what you need to do and go to the related content.
How Do I Get Started?
- Review XML Data Type.
- Import your XML data:
- Create tables containing XML type columns or alter a table to add XML type columns. See Creating and Altering Tables to Store XML Data.
- Load XML data into the tables. See Storing XML Data.
- Query the XML data. See XML Query Using XPath and XQuery.
- See the usage examples for performing various XML operations, XML Type Usage Examples.