The operation elements describe the type of the operation performed on the target tables during XSLT based shredding. This element can have the values <Insert>, <Update>, <Delete>, or <Upsert>. This element is case sensitive.
The operation element contains the <Table> element that identifies the target tables that is affected by shredding. The child elements contain a table name. If the table name is unqualified it refers to a table in the default database.
The table name element contains a key attribute that identifies the primary key of the table. The key attribute can contain a comma separated list of column names.
The xsl:for-each instruction is used to generate the rows to be applied to the target table. "For each" node identified by the "select" XPath expression, a "Row" is produced and applied to the target table.
The element <Row> contains the list of columns and their mappings to be processed against the sub-trees.
- <xsl:copy-of select=""> is used when the column name and element name are the same.
- <xsl:value-of select=""> is used when the column name and element name are different.