Step 2b - Set Filtering Options
Use the following procedure to set the filtering options.
To set the filtering options
From the main window, click Tools>Options.
Click the Filter tab.
Set your filter preferences by choosing one of the following:
All Databases and Users (No Filter) - Does not filter the databases and users.
Owned by- Loads only databases and users that belong to a specific owner. Enter an owner in
the input field.
Created by - Loads only databases and users created by a specific user. Enter a creator in the
input field.
Like - Loads only databases and users that match a specific string. Enter a string in
the input field. Wildcard characters are allowed.
Not Like - Loads only databases and users that do not match a specific string. Enter a string
in the input field. Wildcard characters are allowed.
Continue setting operational preferences using “Step 2c - Set Confirmation Options” on page 36, or click OK to save your changes and exit the dialog box.