BTEQ's return code is the value it returns to the client operating system when its execution is complete. The value of the return code indicates the completion status of the job or task as follows:
Return Code | Description |
00 | Job completed with no errors |
02 | BTEQ had to produce a warning to alert that an SQL request instruction was given without any sessions being logged on. |
04 | Warning error |
08 | User error |
12 | Severe internal error |
The value of BTEQ's default return code is determined by the most severe error code BTEQ receives back from the Teradata Database over the course of time it is executing input instructions. BTEQ assigns a default severity value to each error code (as shown in the following tables) for return codes of 0, 4, 8 and 12. If, for example, an SQL request results in database error 3737, "Name is longer than 30 characters", BTEQ will minimally use 4 as its return code upon exit unless a difference value is explicitly used on the EXIT command.
BTEQ exposes the return code's current value prior to exit through the ERRORLEVEL status value keyword. That keyword can be used in IF and ELSEIF command conditions to make it easier to determine an appropriate course of action based on hitting a particular severity level rather than having to explicitly test for multiple specific error codes.
There is also an ERRORLEVEL command which can be used to change the severities mapped to database error codes, and add additional levels of error severity. Any Teradata Database message not contained in the following tables is mapped to an 8 severity value, unless the ERRORLEVEL command is used to override that default. See the ERRORLEVEL command, as described in the following subsection.
The default severity mapped to a 2631 error is 0. For more details, see Usage Notes for the RETRY command.
To support detection of the more egregious compiler error results, the default severity map includes associations to cover the common warning codes for compiling objects and their execution. These mappings will only be in effect when the ERRORONDBSWARNING command setting is ON.
Error Code | Description |
2580 | Mload not active on table %TVMID. |
2667 | Statistics cannot be collected on an empty table. |
3534 | Index already exists. |
3666 | This view has too many columns to store or retrieve comments. |
3737 | Name is longer than 30 characters. |
3747 | No start-up string defined for this user. |
3803 | Table “%VSTR” already exists. |
3804 | View “%VSTR” already exists. |
3805 | Macro “%VSTR” already exists. |
5527 | The compiler reported warnings only for a non-Stored-Procedure object. This value was returned as a database warning code as opposed to an error code. So it can only affect the ERRORLEVEL status value when ERRORONDBSWARNING has been set to ON. |
5607 | The compiler reported warnings only for a Stored Procedure object. This value was returned as a database warning code as opposed to an error code. So it can only affect the ERRORLEVEL status value when ERRORONDBSWARNING has been set to ON. |
Error Codes | Description |
CLI0530 | Character set name or code unknown. |
2123 | A segment could not be read successfully. |
2538 | A disk read error occurred in the tables area. |
2541 | End of hash code range reached. |
2632 | All AMPs own sessions for this Fast/MultiLoad |
2639 | Too many simultaneous transactions. |
2641 | %DBID.%TVMID was restructured. Resubmit. |
2644 | No more room in database %DBID. |
2654 | Operation not allowed: %DBID.%TVMID is being restored. |
2805 | Maximum row length exceeded in %TVMID. |
2809 | Invalid recovery sequence detected. |
2815 | Apparent invalid restart of a restore. |
2818 | Invalid lock to dump table without after image journaling. |
2825 | No record of the last request was found after Teradata Database restart. |
2826 | Request completed but all output was lost due to Teradata Database restart. |
2827 | Request was aborted by user or due to statement error. |
2828 | Request was rolled back during system recovery. |
2830 | Unique secondary index must be dropped before restoring table. |
2835 | A unique index has been invalidated. Resubmit request. |
2837 | Table being fast loaded; no data dumped. |
2838 | Table is unhashed; no data dumped. |
2840 | Data rows discarded due to inconsistent hash codes. |
2843 | No more room in data base. |
2866 | Table was recovery aborted; no data dumped. |
2868 | This permanent journal table is damaged; no data dumped. |
2920 | Delete journal and AMP down without dual. |
2921 | No saved subtable for journal %DBID.%TVMID. |
2926 | No more room in %DBID.%TVMID. |
3001 | Session is already logged on. |
3111 | The dispatcher has timed out the transaction. |
3116 | Response buffer size is insufficient to hold one record. |
3119 | Continue request submitted but no response to return. |
3120 | The request is aborted because of a Teradata Database recovery. |
3127 | Transaction aborted due to lock conflict with Queue Table Manager. |
3128 | Transaction aborted due to exceeding the maximum consume statement limit. |
3178 | Queue Table Cache is full. |
3319 | TDWM control command timed out. |
3329 | Query Band is in transition state. |
3415 | An active request exists for this session. |
3523 | %FSTR does not have %VSTR access to %DBID.%TVMID. |
3524 | %FSTR does not have %VSTR access to data base %DBID. |
3566 | Data base does not have a PERMANENT journal. |
3596 | RESTORE Teradata Database invalid if table, view or macro exists outside of Teradata Database. |
3598 | Concurrent change conflict on data base; try again. |
3603 | Concurrent change conflict on table; try again. |
3613 | Dump/restore, no hashed nonfallback tables found. |
3656 | Journal table specified no longer exists. |
3658 | ROLLBACK/ROLLFORWARD table specifications are invalid. |
3705 | Teradata SQL request is longer than the Simulator maximum. |
3802 | Database “%VSTR” does not exist. |
3807 | Table/view “%VSTR” does not exist. |
3824 | Macro “%VSTR” does not exist. |
3873 | “%VSTR” is not a journal table. |
3877 | NO FALLBACK specified and the table is FALLBACK. |
3897 | Request aborted due to a Teradata Database restart. Resubmit. |
3916 | Requested information not in dictionary. |
5495 | Stored Procedure %VSTR does not exist. |
5880 | Concurrent change conflict on stored procedure. |
5991 | Error during resolver or plan generation. |
7423 | Object already locked and NOWAIT. Transaction Aborted. |
7592 | Space accounting cache is full of non-purgeable entries. |
7618 | Stored procedure execution request for %DBID.%TVMID has timed out. |
7676 | Insufficient memory in stored procedure cache. |
8024 | All virtual circuits are currently in use. |
8086 | All the virtual circuits on the node are in use. |
9728 | Retry later as currently a load operation is in progress on the table %DBID.%TVMID. |
Error Code | Description |
CLI0001 | Parameter list invalid or missing. |
CLI0002 | Invalid number of parameters received. |
CLI0003 | Error validating HSIRCB. |
CLI0004 | Error validating HSICB. |
CLI0005 | Error validating HSISPB. |
CLI0006 | Invalid destination HSICB detected. |
CLI0007 | Invalid destination RCB detected. |
CLI0008 | DBCFRC unable to free RCB/HSICB control blocks because they are not contiguous in storage. |
CLI0009 | Invalid DBCAREA pointer or id. |
CLI0010 | ECB already waiting. |
2971 | The AMP lock table has overflowed. |
2972 | No table header exists for table. |
5526 | The compiler reported errors and possibly warnings for a Stored Procedure object. This value was returned as a database warning code as opposed to an error code. So it can only affect the ERRORLEVEL status value when ERRORONDBSWARNING has been set to ON. |
5603 | The compiler reported errors and possibly warnings for a non-Stored-Procedure object. This value was returned as a database warning code as opposed to an error code. So it can only affect the ERRORLEVEL status value when ERRORONDBSWARNING has been set to ON. |
7980 | Java class dependency not met. This value was returned as a database warning code as opposed to an error code. So it can only affect the ERRORLEVEL status value when ERRORONDBSWARNING has been set to ON. |