Teradata Wallet provides access to a client system user’s stored database passwords to the user while protecting these passwords from access by other users of the same client system.
Each entry in wallet has two parts, a reference string and value (reference string) and real password. Teradata Wallet returns the password when queried with its associated string to the user who created it. The user must set up the reference string and value pair to be used in ODBC Driver for Teradata beforehand. For detailed information on using Teradata Wallet, see the most recent version of Teradata Vantage™ - Analytics Database Security Administration, B035-1100. In addition, Teradata Wallet provides integrated online help. To view it, install Teradata Wallet, start the Teradata Wallet tool, and enter help.
ODBC connect functions can process Teradata Wallet reference strings when used in/as password or authentication parameter. Reference string must be enclosed in $tdwallet() token.
- On DSN Setup dialog, enter the Wallet reference string in Teradata Wallet String field.
- In odbc.ini, enclose the Wallet reference string in $tdwallet() token and use it as password under the DSN in odbc.ini.
Using Wallet String in connect functions:
A wallet reference string can be used in place (or part of) password or authentication parameter.