Driver Manager handles the conversion needed when an ANSI application calls the
Unicode ODBC driver.
- On a UNIX system, the Driver Manager uses the ODBC application code page setting in the DSN or connection string when converting an ANSI string argument passed to the ANSI ODBC function calls to or from Unicode. An example of this conversion is when an ANSI application calls SQLExecDirect.
- On a UNIX system, ODBC Driver for Teradata uses the ODBC application code page specified in the DSN or connection string for conversions to and from Unicode. These conversions are done for data that is bound with the SQL_C_CHAR type.
- On Windows, the Driver Manager uses the Windows application code page when converting to or from Unicode.
- On Apple macOS, the ODBC driver manager uses the current locale LC_TYPE category when converting to or from Unicode.